Community Nutrition Update: Infants Betty Izumi OSU Extension, Clackamas County
Outline Breast milk vs. infant formula Introducing solid foods Feeding infants safely Fruit juice debate Introducing fluid cow milk
Breastfeeding Benefits to mother and child WIC gives extra food to breastfeeding mothers How can we help new mothers? – encouragement – education Breastfeeding is BEST during the first year of life.
Formula Feeding WIC infant formula package – less food for moms and their families Mead Johnson formula can size changes – one less can per month issued through WIC Enfamil Lipil and Similac Advance – addition of two fatty acids: ARA & DHA – mixed study results – higher costs
Introducing Solid Foods Supplement - NOT replacement for breast milk or formula. Introduce when developmentally ready –sit up with support, hold head steady, draw in lower lip –infants reach age 4 to 6 months Timing –risks to early and late introduction –order of food groups Developmental readiness, NOT age, determines when to introduce solid foods.
Feeding Baby Safely Guard against choking hazards –hot dogs, soft bread, grapes, hard candies Beware these ingredients –honey, salt, sugar –home cooked beets, carrots, spinach, turnips, collards Prevent food borne illnesses –no unpasteurized fruit juices Feeding foods safely is the Number 1 priority.
Homemade Baby Food Homemade baby foods are popular Food safety is critical – preparation and storage What are the pros and cons of feeding baby homemade baby foods vs. commercial?
Comparing Costs Product 4 oz HomemadeCommercial Sweet potato$0.33$0.44 Carrot$0.12$0.44 Sliced peaches$0.34$0.44 What is the cost of convenience? How much is your time worth?
Food Allergies Result in immunologic reactions Caused by common foods –eggs, milk, peanut, soy, wheat, fish, tree nuts, shellfish Lead to –diarrhea, vomiting, wheezing, anaphylactic shock, abdominal pain, gas, hives, skin rashes Can be avoided (at least in part) –slowly introduce new foods –delay introduction of common food allergens until at least 1 year of age, longer depending on allergen
Fruit Juice Too much of a good thing? –Nutrient density and displacement of nutrients –Diarrhea –Dental cavities Know the limits – 8 oz diluted 100% fruit juice (4 oz fruit juice and 4 oz water)
Feeding Infants Cow Milk Not recommended during the first year. Fluid cow milk consumption can lead to: –GI bleeding –Iron deficiency –Displacement of nutrients Other dairy products at 8 months –Yogurt and cheese
Conclusion Breastfeeding is best for infants and should be avidly supported by nutrition educators. Developmental readiness determines when to introduce solid foods. Feeding infants safely should be a top priority. App