WWI Begins
100 years of peace (Napoleonic Wars) were ending Secret alliances bound countries together June 28, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist Austria-Hungary made demands on Serbia Germany backs Austria-Hungary Russia backs Serbia France supports Russia Germany declares war on Russia and France and marches through neutral Belgium on way to France
Great Britain has Belgium’s back and declares war on Germany So… Allies: Russia, France, Britain Central Powers/Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey
M.A.I.N. causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
What Happened France and Britain stop Germany’s advance Trench warfare is result Western Front (in France): four years of fighting, 500 miles long, no more than 5 miles ever gained
Why it was horrible Trenches awful: (mud, rats, disease, no food) New weapons made killing faster and easier than ever before –Airplanes: bombs –Gas: weren’t prepared for, awful way to die –Machine guns: 450 rounds per minute – froze the front –Tanks and submarines (after Britain blockade of Germany)
Trench WarfareTrench Warfare – type of fighting during World War I in which both sides dug trenches protected by mines and barbed wire Trench Warfare Cross-section of a front-line trench
British trench, France, July 1916 (during the Battle of the Somme)
French soldiers firing over their own dead All Quiet on the Western Front – trench warfare (9:27)
Soldiers digging trenches while protected against gas attacks
A photograph of a man suffering from trench foot.
1915: The Germans' use of thousands of cylinders of chlorine during battle in World War I was the first large-scale use of chemical agents. Both sides in the war carried out numerous attacks using chlorine. Both also developed more poisonous respiratory agents, such as phosgene, and chemicals, such as mustard gas. More than1 million casualties were attributed to chemical weapons during the war.
Battle of Somme in 1916: 60,000 British died in ONE day 13 million soldiers, 6.5 million civilians
U.S. initial views Stay out Families (many immigrants) from all countries involved Most favored Britain because Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany was an autocrat (unlimited power) and Germany invaded Belgium We declare ourselves neutral Our trade suffers, but weapons manufacturers making lots of money selling to Allies
Preparedness movement organized National Security League Build up of army 1916 – 90,000 to 175, – American Union Against Militarism fought against the war Wilson wins reelection with slogan “He Kept Us Out of War”
Why we entered Germany sinks British ship Lusitania in 1915 with 123 Americans on board Wilson protests unrestricted submarine warfare, Germany promises to stop Zimmerman telegram, Germany wants U.S. out of Europe - Encourages Mexico to attack U.S. and get back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona - Not very credible, but builds up war fervor
Feb. 1 - Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare - sinks 4 U.S. merchant ships March 1917 – Revolution in Russia, we are more needed and Russia’s not as involved We declare war in April 1917 Reinforce Allied troops
Initial Feelings Many for it (Roosevelt) others against One women’s group supported it and in turn Wilson helped support women’s suffrage Why for? 1)Violated our neutrality – even though we supported England with money and munitions 2)Commercial interests wanted war to make more money 3)British propaganda 4)Wilson said it would protect democracy from communism
May 1917: Selective Service Act (Draft) – men had to register 24 million registered and 2.8 million drafted