World War 1 Vocabulary
Assassination Murder of a (usually prominent) person by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons
Nationalism A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country
Imperialism Domination of one country by another
Industrialism Social organization in which industries are dominant
Militarism Glorification of the military
Alliance Formal agreement between two or more powers to work together
Entangled Alliances Agreements with other countries that may force you into situations you may wish to avoid
Arms Race Competition between two or more countries to have the most well armed military forces
Triple Alliance An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WW1
Triple Entente An agreement between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WW1
Pan-Slavism A form of nationalism holding that all Slavic peoples shared a common nationality
Balkans Easternmost of Europe’s three southern peninsulas, a mountainous area characterized by political unrest
Armistice Mutual agreement to end fighting in a war