Jeopardy! For Halo Reach
Round 1
PeopleWeapon s Main Vehicles Enemy Vehicles Armor Abilities Games before Halo Reach
Category Who is Carter
Category Noble 1 Home
Category Who is Noble 6
Category Your Character Home
Category Who is Noble 3
Category John Home
Category Who is noble 4
Category Keith Home
Category Who is The leader of the spartans
Category Carter Home
Category What are the weapons you start out on campaign on campaign level 1
Category SMG and Pistol Home
Category What do you use in the game Grifball
Category Gravity hammer and Energy Sword Home
Category What are the main melee weapons
Category Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword Home
Category What is the weapon with the word laser in it
Category Spartan Laser Home
Category What is the long range weapon
Category Sniper Rifle Home
Category What is the vehicle that is an ATV
Category Mongoose Home
Category What is the fastest flying vehicle
Category Banshee Home
Category The turret car is known as what
Category Warthog Home
Category What is a similar vehicle to a helicopter
Category Falcon Home
Category What are the gravity vehicles that hover
Category Ghost and Revenant Home
Category What Are the Covenant Flying Vehicles
Category Banshee and Phanthoms Home
Category What are there hovering vehicles
Category Ghost, Revenant, Wrath, and Home
Category What is the covenant's main elite transportation vehicle
Category Phanthom Home
Category What are there heavy fire power space vehicle
Category Seraphs Home
Category What is the covenant's light small space vehicle
Category Banshee Home
Category What is the main armor ability that makes you run
Category Sprint Home
Category What is the ability that makes you dodge most enemy attacks
Category Evade Home
Category What makes you heal in a bubble
Category Drop Shield Home
Category What make you block and protect you from enemy bullets
Category Drop Shied and Armor Lock Home
Category what armor ability makes you fly
Category Jetpack Home
Category What is the remake of halo 1
Category Halo Anniversary Home
Category What is after Halo 3
Category Halo 3 ODST Home
Category What is the game before halo reach
Category Halo Wars Home
Category What is Halo 4 about
Category Master Chief Home
Category How did the Halo 1 intro start
Category Master Chief Getting unfrozen after getting frozen Home