Proposed Analytical Approach - Modeling Phase 3 - Formation of new team December 9, 2003 Steering Committee Presentation
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 2 Draft Proposal RMATS Goals RMATS Deliverable: Commercially Viable Alternatives Clarify Phases 2 and 3 Scope and Approach to Modeling Form Team Cost Assignment/Recovery Issues Economically sound and technically feasible transmission alternatives Criteria and alternatives: Benefits determination Cost Assignment Cost Recovery Need Benefits/beneficiary criteria
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 3 Draft Proposal “Commercially Viable” means... Serves the load Technically feasible Maintains or increases reliability/security and price stability Adds flexibility and robustness to the RMATS network to facilitate competitive wholesale markets Cost-effective; benefits are commensurate with risks High probability of cost recovery; investment community is likely to look favorably upon Likely to pass muster with state regulatory bodies Likely to pass muster with FERC -- Draft --
Modeling phases 2 and 3
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 5 Draft Proposal To meet the RMATS deliverable, Phase 2 of the modeling should include... Production cost modeling for the system as a whole, using ABB Market Simulator Focus on variable costs and nodal prices of the system as whole Two modeling steps: Step 1: Three resource/transmission alternatives to serve load, two alternatives for export. Includes two gas price sensitivities Step 2: Refined alternatives from Step 1. Includes five gas/hydro/load sensitivities Objective: Arrive at 2-4 alternatives that appear technically feasible and economic from a variable cost/locational marginal price standpoint
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 6 Draft Proposal And Phase 3 of the modeling should include... First-pass cost/benefit analyses for Phase 2 alternatives Regional economic perspective Takes into account investment and other fixed costs, as well as variable costs Should also includes more thorough technical assessment Sensitivities: – Emissions/CO2 adders – Loads – Gas prices – Coal prices – Market prices – Capex & financing costs
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 7 Draft Proposal Phase 3 continued -- Uses 2013 as analysis year; No multi-year cash flows and discounting as a full-fledged cost/benefit study would require Approximates the beneficiaries Takes into account findings from cost assignment/recovery team, as available Objective: Arrive at 2-4 alternatives that are “commercially viable” -- that merit detailed planning and financial consideration
Form a cost assignment/recovery team
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 9 Draft Proposal To meet the RMATS deliverable, the Steering Committee should also... Form a cost assignment/cost recovery team Participants: State Regulators Utilities Developer Representatives FERC staff (consultation) Purpose: Research, develop, and evaluate cost assignment/recovery alternatives Scope: Transmission alternatives coming out of RMATS Reporting relationship: to RMATS Steering Team (at least initially) Life of team may extend beyond RMATS Recommendation
RMATS S:\MIPoffice\Strategic Analysis\WorkInProgress\RMATS\Transmission Alternatives 10 Draft Proposal Issues the new team would address Benefits Define “benefits” and “beneficiaries” for this purpose How benefits should be measured How modeling should be conducted Cost Assignment Current regulatory policies (Federal and State) What other regions are doing Principles/criteria that should apply Methodological alternatives Cost Recovery Issues Role and policy issues – FERC and States Regulatory impediments and risks to cost recovery What investors require Potential solutions Recommendation