Positioning Positioning refers to how customers think about brands in the marketplace. Without positioning, all products would seem identical and price would be the only differentiator. All Four P’s can be managed to affect the brand positioning.
Positioning Map For Soaps High moisturizing Zest Lever 2000 Safeguard Dial Lifebuoy Tone Dove Lux Coast Lava Nondeodorant Deodorant Low moisturizing
Differentiation and Positioning Positioning Map
Positioning - Let’s fill out a positioning map for the sports car market. High Price “Classic” Exotic Low Price
Positioning Positioning analysis helps marketers understand how customers see the market. It matters what the customers think, not what marketers think It may lead marketers to combine segments into larger segments and position their product in multiple ways McDonald’s is good at creating ads that use the same products to appeal to different segments (families, singles, young people, ethnic groups)
What is the Product Position?
P&G P&G Video and discussion
iPad Position and Target Markets How is iPad positioned in the marketplace? “iPad is….” Who are iPad’s competitors? What are iPad’s target markets? Be very specific about how you define them (demographics, geographic and behavioral). Make sure you think of at least three distinct target markets.
Product Positioning Map With a partner (2 people only!), pick one product category below On paper or your computer, draw a product positioning map Select the two dimensions you want to compare and write them on the map Write down the high and low values for each dimension (e.g. high price vs. low price) Enter various brands/products on the appropriate place on the map. You must have at least 6 brands/products on your map Choose from these categories: Sneakers, Cereals, Fast/Casual Food, Sedans (Nissan Maxima, Honda Accord, etc.), Beverages (Coke, Gatorade, Vitamin Water, etc.)