Mapping what is already there Group 1: Lozano, Belgium Béatrice, Belgium Trina, Ireland Group 2: Karla, Croatia Elena, Cyprus Kimon, Greece Nancy, Greece Eglė ,Lithuania Group 3: Telmo, Portugal Oriol, Spain Beverley, Malta Cynthia, Malta
Mapping what is already there Your task: -Identify, country by country, what you already have in terms of: education programs/youth groups / students initiatives/ anti-bullying programmes, etc. - Making a link with the Dutch youth and education program, brainstorm on fears, challenges and potentials. You have 1,5 hour.
How to overcome fears and challenges? 4 groups of 3 – appoint a rapporteur 20 minutes: Brainstorm on fears, barriers, challenges to set up a GSA (e.g. parents resistance, legal issues, etc.) 20 minutes: using resource persons in the room + your own ideas of what would work in your context, start identifying ways forward to overcome those barriers. Feedback in plenary
What do we need to get there? We have heard about the Dutch programme, we have mapped our context, we identified our fears/barriers/challenges. Now we need to dream about ideal GSA And then identify what we need to get there. Use the resource persons And feedback in plenary!
What do we need to get there? 10 minutes: Individual thinking : how the ideal GSA/youth empowerment programme would look like in your context? 30 minutes: Needs assessment in groups (4 groups of 3): -Who do you need to work with? What role are the different stakeholders playing? -Where will you find youth and supporters? -What do you need to change cultural mind-set? -Etc.
Methodology for individual workplans Imagine you live in an ideal world, describe what would be the situation regarding youth empowerment. Then, have a look at your own context: What are the obstacles to this ideal situation? What are the roots of the problem? What needs to happen to overcome these obstacles? What information is missing?
Methodology for individual workplans Keeping in mind the ideal world wish-list, move from problem analysis to setting long-term objectives. To check whether the long-term objectives you have identified are relevant, proceed to: SWOT analysis (internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats) Stakeholder mapping: opponents, beneficiaries (not only LGBTQI), allies (what are they already doing in this area? Risks and benefits for them?) and targets (Ministry of education, heads of schools, teaching/non teaching staff, etc.). Resources of your organisation
Methodology for individual workplans Translate long-term objective into action plan. Advocacy objectives→ short-term result Advocacy action: aim to achieve advocacy objectives. Think SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timebound) Define action plan: objectives/targets/action/indicators/timing/re sponsible persons/evaluation, etc.
Methodology for individual workplans Describe your thinking process and action plan on a flipchart. Don’t hesitate to make it beautiful It will be peer-reviewed.