Module 7 – Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Phase II Controls Assessment Scheduling ○ Information Gathering ○ Network Mapping ○ Vulnerability Identification ○ Penetration ○ Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation ○ Enumerating Further ○ Compromise Remote Users/Sites ○ Maintaining Access ○ Cover the Tracks
Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege Gain Intermediate Privilege Compromise Final Compromise Problem: We don't have access
Enumerating Further Phase II Controls Assessment Scheduling ○ Information Gathering ○ Network Mapping ○ Vulnerability Identification ○ Penetration ○ Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation ○ Enumerating Further ○ Compromise Remote Users/Sites ○ Maintaining Access ○ Cover the Tracks
*Enumerating Further address gathering Perform Password attacks **Sniff traffic and analyze it **Gather cookies **Identifying routes and networks **Mapping internal networks *ISSAF does not cover this topic in great detail **Advance topics not covered in this class
Address Gathering May already have some ○ WHOIS information ○ Forums ○ Blind s ○ ○ ○ ○ Web site
Address Gathering Web page Demonstration
Perform Password Attacks Remote Attack Hydra Unicorn Local Attack John the Ripper (JTR) Additional resources required: Wordlists Patience
Remote Attack Hydra Demonstration
Enumerating Further Perform Password attacks Hydra results: Access Gained What to do next? Continue on with Enumeration Return to “Gain Access & Privilege Escalation”
Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege Gain Intermediate Privilege Compromise Final Compromise We now have access
Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege through: Exploitable vulnerability Mis-configured system Poor security practices “In general when someone has physical access to the local host the game is over, because there is usually one or more ways to get all information from the system.” -ISSAF
Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege Gain Intermediate Privilege Compromise Final Compromise “How to do this” is not covered in any methodology
Gain Intermediate Privilege Exploitable vulnerability Application exploit Mis-configured system Application running at higher-than-needed privileges Access to applications they shouldn't have Improper maintenance (core dumps) Poor security practices Users given elevated privileges
Gain Intermediate Privilege sudo Demonstration
Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege Gain Intermediate Privilege Compromise Final Compromise
Compromise “A system is fully compromised anywhere in the target network and further attack from this system can be performed. This system can be used as a step stone for other attacks to the final goal.” Best example of this is “Got Root?”
Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege Gain Intermediate Privilege Compromise Final Compromise
Final Compromise “ In this step, the “real” victim like the company master DB or a specific system/file is compromised. ” - ISSAF Database Web Pages Mail Servers etc.
Module 7 – Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Phase II Controls Assessment Scheduling ○... ○ Vulnerability Identification ○ Penetration ○ Gaining Access & Privilege Escalation Gain Least Privilege Gain Intermediate Privilege Compromise Final Compromise