Technical Assistance Office 1 SOCRATES - MINERVA GRANT AGREEMENT 2004 Kick-Off Meeting, Brussels 22 October 2004
2 Objectives Contractual timetable Grant instalments Basis of the project Contractual relationship Transnational partnerships Project modifications Reporting Products and publicity
3 Contractual Timetable Project start: 01/10/ ProjectEnd of eligibility ProgressFinal durationperiod reportreport 12 months01/10/ /01/ months01/10/200601/07/ /01/ months01/10/200701/01/ /01/2008
4 Payment of the grant Signature of grant agreement: n 1 year projects: 80% grant (pre-financing) n 2 & 3 years projects: 40% grant (first pre-financing) Progress report: n 2 & 3 years projects: 40% grant Final report: n Payment of balance
5 Basis of your project Application Grant Agreement (incl. any special clauses) and its annexes: I. Description of the project from Application II. Approved budget of the project III. Progress and Final report models IV.Bank account information form V.Administrative and Financial Handbook VI. Contractual timetable
6 Contractual relationship Commission / Beneficiary organisation Duration of the grant agreement (12, 24 or 36 months) Beneficiary obligations - to carry out the project as foreseen in the Application - informing of changes - information on results & use of Community grant (Progress Report + Final Report)
7 Transnational Partnerships (1) Partnership agreements must be concluded Projects are a collection of individuals working together – allow time for trust to develop Allow for differences in experience and language Ensure structures are democratic – but ultimate responsibility lies with the Beneficiary Identify key issues that need to be dealt with early Ensure dispute procedures – avoid disputes by fostering good communications Establish procedures and norms for work package groups
8 Transnational Partnerships (2) Key Points Identify any particular needs of partners Carry out a thorough training for all partners at the start of the project. This should cover the basics, ie. the rules, their obligations, accounting and reporting procedures Watch out for the warning signs: constant change of persons attending project meetings; absence from key meetings; problems meeting deadlines; continual mistakes in reporting
9 Changes in the project Non-contractual modifications Contractual modifications (amendments): n Minor amendments (signed only by the Commission) n Major amendments (signed by both contractual parties - beneficiary and Commission)
10 Non-contractual modifications Types: Change of the name of the Beneficiary provided that the legal organisation remains the same. Change of the legal representative who signed the grant agreement Change of the contact details of the beneficiary, legal representative or coordinator Correction of typing errors if they have no contractual effect. Please submit these changes by using the “non- contractual modification form” available on the TAO website (
11 Contractual modifications What cannot be changed: the maximum grant awarded the fundamental aims of the project
12 Contractual modifications How to submit amendment requests: as soon as the need for a change becomes evident in writing by using the compulsory “contractual modification form” (annex B to the Handbook) by explaining the reasons for the requested change(s) the request must be signed by the legal representative of the beneficiary institution at the latest 60 days before the end of the eligibility period The amendment becomes valid when the Commission has given its written approval (in exceptional cases by request date).
13 Types of minor amendments Change of banking information Change of coordinator Change of coordinating institution Addition or withdrawal of a partner provided the work plan or transnationality of the project are not prejudiced Minor changes in the work programme that do not prejudice the products/results of the project Extension of submission deadlines for the final report (if less than 2 months)
14 Types of major amendments Change of beneficiary organisation Addition or withdrawal of a partner if it will substantially modify the work programme or transnationality of the project. Major changes in the work programme that prejudice the products/results of the project Closing of a special clause Extension of the eligibility period Budgetary amendments
15 Change in the partnership (withdrawal) Information to be provided: – Contractual modification form (“Withdrawal of partner form”) – Withdrawal letter of leaving partner – Revised work plan (only if substantial changes) and breakdown of costs What are the implications on: – Budget and work plan – Products/Outputs – Overall production schedule – Eligibility of the partnership (3 country rule)
16 Change in the partnership (replacement/additional partner) Information to be provided: – Contractual modification form (“New partner form”) including information on the the new partner: type and size of organisation evidence of expertise in the project area concerned contribution of the new partner in the project – Revised work plan (only if substantial changes) and breakdown of costs – Letter of Intent of the new partner
17 Extension of the eligibility period Information to be provided: – Specify date on which all activities will be completed – Explain the reasons – Submit a revised work plan and budget The deadline for Final Report will be altered accordingly
18 Amendment to the work plan Changes to the work plan must be submitted for approval when: foreseen products, outcomes or means of achieving the outcomes change it is specifically requested by the Commission/TAO How to submit the amendment requests to the work plan: Contractual modification form “Modification form for project activities, products and results” Updated work plan
19 The new work plan shall have the same structure than the original one in order to allow comparison The new work plan must be sufficiently detailed: – which activities have already been completed and which have yet to be undertaken – the schedule for each activity – the partner(s) involved in the implementation of each activity – the anticipated outcome of each activity A change to the work plan may incur a change to the budget Amendment to the work plan
20 Amendment to the budget Changes to the budget must be submitted when: n Variations in Staff costs and Direct costs exceed 10% n No subcontracting was foreseen in the approved budget and proposed costs of the subcontracting exceed € Information to be provided: n Contractual modification form (“Modification of the budget”) n Revised budget and justification n Revised work plan (if changes in the budget affect the workplan) Changes within Direct costs do not need prior approval if they are justified and do not undermine the project’s nature and aims (special rules for subcontracting).
21 Amendments and Partnership agreements Amendments to the Grant Agreement may also impact on the relationship between the Beneficiary/Coordinator and the project partners Review any contemplated changes carefully in order to see to what extent the Partnership agreements need to be amended
22 Reports Qualitative and quantitative assessment (products/results expenditure) Progress Report for 2 & 3 years projects only Final Report
23 Progress report A single Progress report for 2 and 3 years projects Fulfil formal requirements: standard report form (annex III of the agreement) do not customise or alter the form 3 copies of the report and 1 copy of products Deadline: 2 years projects : 9 months after project start (01/07/2005) 3 years projects :15 months after project start (01/01/2006)
24 Progress report Progress report cannot be submitted before the deadline unless 70% of the first pre-financing has been used and all activities foreseen for the period have been achieved The deadline for the submission of the Progress report cannot be extended. Second pre-financing instalment ONLY if at least 70% of first pre-financing has been used ! If < 70% of pre-financing used at Progress report stage: Submission of separate payment request, including revised general financial statement submitted with the progress report, as soon as 70% spent
25 Why the 70% rule? Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities 25 June 2002 (Article 117) and its Implementing rules of 23 December 2002 (Article 180) “For each grant, where pre-financing is split, each new payment shall be subject to consumption of at least 70 % of the total amount of any earlier pre-financing.” (IR 180) Funds must have actually been spent. Distributing funds to partner institutions or committing funds is not considered as spending of funds.
26 Final report To be submitted 3,5 months after end of eligibility period Formal requirements: - standard report form (Annex III of the Grant Agreement) - do not customise or alter the form - 3 copies of the report and the products The purpose of the final report is to allow an overall evaluation of the project. All work must be completed The final products and outcomes are compared with what was planned in the application
27 Products and publicity Indicate on all products that the project has received funding from the European Commission Sole responsibility of the product lies with the beneficiary and not the Commission. Recommended phrase: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
28 Logos Available at MODEL: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein