Exploring Earthquakes By Lindsey DiazDeLeon & Kenzie Edens
What are the major plates that affect the U.S? oNorth American, Juan De Fuca, Pacific. oThe Picture to the right represents the North American, Juan De Fuca, and Pacific plates.
Why do you think California has so many earthquakes? oCalifornia lays on The San Andreas fault. oThe picture to the right shows the San Andreas fault.
What hazard zone is your home located? oPutnam county has a low hazard zone of 2-4. oThe picture to the right shows what hazard zone Putnam County is in by the color light blue.
What is considered to be the most destructive earthquakes? When did it occur, where was it, what was it magnitude and how many people died? oThe most destructive earthquake is Shaanxi earthquake. oIt occurred in o It took place in the West coast of Northern Sumatra. oThe magnitude was 8.0 o830,000 people died.
What are tsunamis, what causes them and how fast do they travel? oTsunamis are waves, that are caused by the displacement of water from an earthquake. oThey usually move about 600 mph.
What are 2 types of energy waves created by an earthquake and how do they differ? oThe two types of energy waves are primary waves and secondary waves. oPrimary waves travel first, going through all types of matter, while secondary waves come second and only travel through solids.
Which type of waves travels faster? oPrimary waves travel faster. That is why primary waves come first.
How much more energy is released by a 7.2 earthquake than by a 6.2 earthquake? o1.0 more energy is released by an 7.2 earthquake than by a 6.2 earthquake.
What applications does seismology have besides measuring the magnitude and location of earthquakes? oReflection and refraction seismology can be used in geophysical exploration to locate layers of varying density which can be used for example to locate underground hydrocarbons in the oil and gas industry. oSeismology has also provided us with info on the internal structure and state of matter of the interior of the earth
Where do most earthquakes happen last week? oMost of the earthquakes happen in California. oThe most recent earthquake happened in southern California.
Can scientists predict earthquakes? oNo and it is unlikely they will ever be predict earthquakes.
How do scientist know where an earthquake actually occurred? oThe point on a map where all three circles cross each other is the place the quake happened. oThe picture to the right represents where the two plates Transform.
Thanks for watching our power point! By: Kenzie Edens & Lindsey DiazDeLeon