2015 Accelerated Partition of Indian and Pakistan Lesson Date and Number Your Papers: Block Days: Wednesday, April 8 or Thursday, April 9, 2015 Friday,


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Presentation transcript:

2015 Accelerated Partition of Indian and Pakistan Lesson Date and Number Your Papers: Block Days: Wednesday, April 8 or Thursday, April 9, 2015 Friday, April 10, 2015 Monday, April 13, 2015 Gandhi Mini-Q Assessment Due Monday, April 13, 2015

Day One and Day Two: Block Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---You and your partner will be working with Gandhi primary documents tied into the Quit India Campaign. Steps: The teacher is going to read aloud Gandhi’s Quit India Speech and Sources B-D. As she does, you should be using Active Reading Strategies. Then you and your partner are going to answer the following Reflection Questions using the primary documents and your Indian Nationalism and Independence Notes from the last lesson. Reflection Questions: Speech: What is the main idea that Gandhi wants to get across in his speech? Identify and explain TWO different examples from the speech. Study Sources B and C: Does Source C support the evidence of Source B? Explain your answer with specifics. Study Source D: This source is arguing that the main reason Britain gave independence to India in 1947 was due to the consequences of World War Two. Do you agree or disagree with this position? Give a minimum of TWO different reasons with historical evidence to support your position.

Day One and Day Two: Block Class: As we learned in the last lesson and as the last event in the Major Events of the Life of Gandhi Reading, on January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assigned by a Hindu nationalist because he had believed the Indian people should cast aside their religious and ethnic differences to coexist in an independent India. Unfortunately, Gandhi’s idealistic vision never came true. With this lesson, we will be examining the reasons for the partition of India and Pakistan, how it was handled, and the effects. Class: The teacher is going to do the class lecture Partition of India and Pakistan PowerPoint, and you should be taking notes in the provided graphic organizer in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. Homework: Continue to work on the Gandhi DBQ. Follow the chunking.

Day Three: Friday, April 10, 2015 Class: We are going to watch the first half of a BBC Documentary on YouTube entitled “The Day India Burned-Partition.” As we watch the film, you should be adding to your graphic organizer notes in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. This documentary was uploaded on February 4, It has a running time of 1:29:29 minutes. The BBC Documentary is about the effects of Britain’s withdrawal from India in 1947 which triggered one of the biggest migrations in history. 15 million were displaced, and more than 1 million lost their lives. The story is told through the testimony of people who lived together for centuries, but were forced out of their homes as one of the largest and most ethnically diverse nations in the world was divided. Homework: Finish the Gandhi Mini-Q. It is due on Monday.

Day Four: Monday, April 13, 2015 Individual: For the class period, you are going to use the photocopied supplemental reading entitled “Independence” and add information to the lecture notes in EITHER RED, PINK, ORANGE, OR PURPLE PEN. Please note that this reading contains multiple primary sources related to the partition that you need to read and pull information from. Homework: If you did not finish reading the photocopied supplemental reading on the partition, finish that up and adding information to your graphic organizer notes in EITHER RED, ORANGE, PINK, OR PURPLE PEN.