Hippocampus : Guardian of memories. Transfer the short term memory into long term memory when rehearsed.


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The Hippocampus 1 Damage to the hippocampus disrupts our memory.
Presentation transcript: Hippocampus : Guardian of memories. Transfer the short term memory into long term memory when rehearsed. Certain long term memory (ie procedural memory) may not be stored in the hippocampus but the pathways are initiated by it. Consolidates similar memories into the same coding. (beginnings of the belief system for negative expectations, bitter roots). Damage to it will result in inability to form new memories but may keep some of the early memories. "Hippocampus small" by Images are generated by Life Science Databases(LSDB). - from Anatomography, website maintained by Life Science Databases(LSDB).You can get this image through URL below. 次のアドレスからこのファイルで使用している画像を取 得できます URL.. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.1 jp via Wikimedia Commons - #mediaviewer/File:Hippocampus_small.gif Amygdala : Guardian/Gateway (Inner Eyes that scans for danger) Takes input of the brain and body (released of stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine) and assigns an emotional label – pleasant vs non pleasant, arousing vs relaxed. Strong arousing (exciting or irritating) emotions enhances the coding of memory into long term ones by the hippocampus without a need for rehearsal. It also retrieves the ‘implicit memory’ when triggered by similar emotions and events. When a memory is retrieved the details of previous episodes start to be lost and what is retrieved is updated y the current situation and the memory no longer is a carbon copy of the original. Implicit response or flight/flight reactions.

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When raised in cages where they could see, smell and hear but not touch other monkeys, the infants developed “autistic” like syndrome with grooming, self-clasping, social withdrawal and rocking. Had trouble gaining weight when not shown affection or could not cuddle with the cloth mother. Other studies show animals deprived of touch become more aggressive and violent.

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Vicious Cycle I am not important enough I am always overlooked I need to help people understand me Over description and dramatic People avoid them

Vicious Cycle People are not truthful about their expectation I can never meet their expectation I need to find out what they really want Graceless in confronting people People avoid them Rehearsing joy and appreciation memories and attaching it to emotion help solidifies the new memory and builds new pathways of thoughts and emotions. Like in physics, electricity will travel the circuit with the less resistance, creating new synapses makes that pathway one of less resistance.