Parts of Speech Almost at the end…
Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that joins words or groups of words.
Conjunctions may join: Single words Groups of words Examples: hot or cold; through the woods and across the river
Conjunctions may also join sentences. The teacher graded the papers, and then she returned them to the students. You may take the quiz now, or you may take it after school.
Types of Conjunctions Coordinating Correlative Subordinating
Coordinating Conjunctions are used in compound sentences.
Common Coordinating Conjunctions are: AndFor ButSo OrYet Nor
Correlative Conjunctions are always found in pairs.
Common Correlative conjunctions are: Neither…nor Either…or Both…and Not only…but also
Subordinate conjunctions are used in complex sentences.
Subordinating Conjunctions: Afterbecause Althoughbefore Asif As ifin order that Long assince As soon asso that As thoughthan
Thoughwhere UnlessWherever UntilWhile When whenever
Find the conjunctions: We listened to the tape and took notes. Mrs. Musynske is both a teacher and a moderator of a club. Either study for the exam or take the consequences!
Interjections An interjection is a word that shows emotion and is not related to any other word in the sentence. Oh! You surprised me! Bah Humbug! Expresses how Scrooge feels about Christmas.
Wow! I won the lottery! Oh, I don’t know about that. I don't know what the heck you're talking about. No, you shouldn't have done that. Ouch, that hurt! Find the interjection
Find the interjections Oh no, I forgot that the exam was today. Hey! Put that down! I heard one guy say to another guy, "He has a new car, eh?" I don't know about you but, good lord, I think taxes are too high!