Financial Responsibility for Instructional Materials
Welcome My name is Greg Wright I work for Leander ISD I’m the Textbook Specialists I started working with textbooks in 2005
Those that do not know history are destined to repeat it.
The longest journey begins with a single footstep.
The best defense is a good offense.
The greatest fear I have is not in achieving success, but after achieving success we fail to improve.
Where Are We? You have done the following: 1.Started a system to manage your inventory. 2.Know your current inventory. 3.Know what the State (TEA) says you have in your inventory.
What’s Next 1.Balance to EMAT (TEA) 2.Surplus (+20%) will need to be reported to TEA. 3.Losses will need to be replaced or paid for.
Replacing Lost Books Do Nothing – Not smart and a big risk. Pay TEA for Losses – Send the funds, and wait to order more books. Publishers – Costly, usually pretty fast. Reps. might have some extra stuff for free. Used Book Vendors – Cheaper, usually have what you need, could take more time.
Replacing Inventory Discrepancies/Damaged from State = TEX-013 EMAT report worn, and damaged books for replacement. Rebinding books that your district has purchased Used Book Vendors
Questions and Answers Where do I get a list of my inventory from TEA? How do I know who my publisher rep. is, and how can I contact them? Log on to EMAT and run a report (Interim Statement Per MLC) Look in the publishers listing book