Designing Exercise Programs: *Layout *Muscle Groups *Exercises SHMD 139 6/5/2013
When designing an exercise program you need to consider: Objectives/goals. Determine: Frequency Sets/reps Type of exercise Time Intensity Intensity Order of exercise Rest period lengths Number of sets/reps Choice of exercise
Frequency Dependant on several factors: Volume (reps, sets, weight). Intensity. Exercise selection. Level of conditioning. The number of training sessions performed during a specific time period (1 week) may affect the training adaptations. Training with heavy loads increases the recovery period.
Choice of Exercise Equipment type: Machine, free weights, cable etc. Multi-joint (Prime movers): E.g. bench press – elbow & shoulder joint. Single joint: E.g. bicep curl – only elbow joint. Contraction type: Concentric, eccentric, isometric.
Order of Exercise Large muscle groups before small muscle group exercises. Multi-joint before single joint. Alternating of upper-body & lower-body exercises for total body sessions. Power type exercises before other exercise types. Most intense to least intense.
Number of Sets Training volume = REPS x SETS x WEIGHT. Single set vs. multi-set. Multi-set shows greater gains in strength. Number of sets dependant on: Muscle groups trained (large vs. small). Intensity (High intensity, fewer sets). Training phase (Strength, power, endurance etc.). Level of conditioning. Number of exercises.
Rest Periods Amount of force produced. Power output level. Muscular endurance: High reps, short rest periods (30-90 seconds). Muscular strength: Low reps, long rest periods (3-5 minutes).
Intensity Resistance used: Is the stimulus that causes the changes in the measurement of strength and endurance. Repetition maximums: specific resistance that only allows a certain number of reps to be performed. Muscle recruitment level. Power vs. high force. Repetition speed.
Trapezius Muscle Shoulder Shrugs Bent-over Row Upright Row Standing Row
Rhomboids Muscle Reverse Push-Up Seated Row Reverse Fly Seated Row One Arm Row
Lateral Raise - Dumbell Deltoids Muscle Military Press Dips - Bar Dips - Chair Lateral Raise - Cable Lateral Raise - Dumbell
Biceps Muscle Bicep Curl - Dumbell Bicep Curl - Cable Pull-Up – Bar Bicep Curl - Barbell Bicep Hammer Curls
Triceps Muscle Push - Up Triceps Extension - Dumbell Triceps Dips Triceps Extension - Cable Triceps Extension – Theraband Triceps Extension - Barbell Triceps Cable Push Down
Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Isometric Bridge Lateral Pull Down - Cable Bent Over Row - Barbell Lateral Pull Up - Bar
Pectoral Muscle Bench Press- Dumbell Bench Press- Barbell Dumbell Chest Fly Bench Press- Dumbell Bench Press- Barbell Machine Chest Fly
Abdominal Muscle
Abdominal Muscle
HamstringMuscle Step - ups Hamstring Curl
HamstringMuscle Lunges
Quadriceps Muscle Squats Leg extensions
Calf Muscle Tibialis anterior Toe Lifts Calf Raises