Language learning ‘on the go’ by Cécile Tschirhart, Chris O’Reilly and Claire Bradley Presented by Chris O’Reilly RLO-CETL, London Metropolitan University
Why m-learning in HE? Popularity with ‘digital natives’ One and a half billion mobile phones (more than 3 times the number of PCs) Mobile phone penetration among young people 75% -100% Learning tool in Asia Consensus among e-learning theorists and practitioners: “The future is wireless”.
M-learning applications Mobile phone quizzes (e.g. spelling and maths tests) Collaborative learning activities involving camera phones and multi-media messaging, using mediaBoard Use of iPods to access audiobooks and lectures Personalised guided tours using hand-held Augmented Reality guides MILOS (mobile Interactive Learning Objects) using graphics, animation, text, video clips, and audio
Practical Benefits Anywhere/anytime/personalised learning Portability and space saving Connectivity (instant access) Context-sensitivity (e.g. museums) Cost (less than PC) Inclusiveness/group work
Pedagogical advantages Consistent with socio-constructivist pedagogy –Problem solving and exploratory learning; –Contextualised learning; –Independent and collaborative learning; –Scaffolding Personalised learning Enhanced learner motivation
What phones? What software? Other aspects to consider: Introduction / Splash screen Instructions / Information Layout / Aesthetics Content / Activity / Pedagogy Help / Feedback / Results Functionality / Navigation / Usability Designing for the phone
Our designs for the phone Video VocabularyGap-fill Word searchGrammar
Designs and Developments for the future…
The Pomegranate Phone -
Evaluation Aims The concept of mobile learning generally The mobile e-packs and their value for mobile language learning The pedagogic approach, the type of activities produced, and design and usability Would students use them, and if so, how Methods Evaluation session with 8 students - each given a Nokia N95 phone with activities pre-installed and headphones They worked through the activities Completed a questionnaire Took part in a focus group
The students 6 females, 2 males Aged between 18 and 35 (3 over 25) All owned a mobile phone All rated their mobile phone experience as ‘experienced’ (62.5%) or ‘very experienced’ (37.5%) All except one had used the e-packs
Mobile learning and mobile e-packs Students gave a very positive response towards mobile learning All would like the University to provide them with resources like this All would be prepared to use their own mobile phone within their University course How useful would it be to access learning materials via your mobile? Extremely important12345Not at all important 62.5%37.5%0%
Mobile learning and mobile e-packs How would you rate their usefulness in terms of learning a language? What did you think of the prototype mobile e-packs? “It is a very good idea and people/students will be interested. However there are improvements that could be made on the whole. Yet students will be attracted to this idea because it gives us the opportunity to practice on-the-go and not at home by the computer.” “I found the majority of them really useful. You can listen and at the same time read the examples that are being made.” “It is very useful. Convenient.” Extremely useful12345Not at all useful 25%37.5%25%12.5%0%
Mobile learning and mobile e-packs More elaboration was given in the focus group One said “they’re handy”, “they’re useful” and thought they could save you time as you could use them on the bus to practice your French when there is nothing else to do Another felt it was better to do them on the mobile rather than at home, because you can spend less time studying but still practise the same amount of grammar and vocabulary What they liked about the activities were that they were “convenient” and easier to access “almost everybody has got a mobile phone these days”
The mobile learning experience More convenient Can learn wherever you are - “learning on the go” More accessible Mobile is always with you and available, don’t need access to PC or Internet Saves time – study in dead time Travelling (particularly on the underground), waiting for people Freedom from the computer “Chilling on the sofa with your phone”, lying in bed “I would do it more … because it’s right there. It’s… I mean, I don’t know about you guys but I can’t live without my phone. It’s my phone and it’s my second heart.”
Conclusions A very encouraging start: Mobile learners do not need convincing unlike online learners Need for pedagogical research into language mobile learning identifying advantages and constraints Constant need to keep up-to-date with technology and its potential Need for staff to be aware of students’ learning environment
Conclusions Zune phone -
Conclusions Microsoft Ophone -