BY: ADAM BAIR Real-Time Operating Systems
What’s a Real-Time System? - A computer system that requires computation to be correct and done before a specified time period expires. - Embedded in specialized devices.
Types of Real-Time Systems Hard real-time system Soft real-time system
System Characteristics Purpose Size Cost effective Timing Requirements
Memory Allocation Real-addressing mode Dynamic relocation register Virtual memory
Real-Time System Features Priority-based scheduling Preemptive kernel Preemption points Synchronized mechanisms Minimized latency Interrupt latency Dispatch latency Priority-inheritance protocol
Real-Time CPU Scheduling Periodic Processes Admission-control algorithm Rate-Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm Earliest-Deadline-First Scheduling Algorithm
Sources time_operating_system time_operating_system time_system#History time_system#History Gagne, Galvin, Silberschatz. Operating System Concepts 8 th edition