Hickory Creek Elementary Basic Training for the Integration of RTI with SWPBS
Who Are We? School Level RTI Team 1. Administration – Vickie Dodd/Jackie Smith 2. Reading Interventionist – Karen Adcock/Delores Green 3. Math Interventionist – Lisa Miller 4. School Psychologist – Michael Neal 5. Study Skills & Diagnostician – Nicole Worzek 6. Guidance & Social Skills – Kristi Slatton 7. CICO – Jackie Smith 8. Special Education – Stephanie Davis
Where Were We? Happily Implementing SWPBS with all 3 Tiers Started in Fall 2008 Tier II Initiated in Fall 2009 Tier III Initiated in Fall 2010
What Happened? State issued RTI to be implemented YIKES!!!! Thank Goodness for SWPBS
What Did We Do? Tweaked our Tiers 1. Tier 1 = General Ed. Class 2. Tier II = General Ed. Class 3. Tier IIIA = Math, Reading Pull Out 4. Tier IIIS = Sped Pull Out 5. Tier IIIB = Behavior Intervention Tweaked Social Skills/Study Skills/CICO Referral Process
Tier 1 General Ed. Classroom General Ed. Teacher instructing Interventionist working alongside Paraprofessionals assisting Time factor addressed through schedule All means All
4 th Grade Block Schedule K-2 Reading = 150 mins Math = 90 3 rd – 5 th Reading = 120 mins Math = 90 mins 8:00 – 10:00RLA 10:00 – 11:45Math 11:45 – 12:15Lunch/Recess 12:15 – 1:05Tier II/Tier III/Sped 12:15 – 12:45 Tier III Reading 1:05 -1:45Rotation/Tier III/Sped 12:45 – 1:15 Tier III Math 1:45 – 2:30Science/ SS/ Tier III/Sped
Tier 2 In General Ed. Classroom General Ed. Teacher Instructing Small groups to address individual deficits Data recording to measure progress
Tier III Reading Intervention STAR Universal Screener 9% and Below qualified for Tier III Interventions in identified area of Reading and/or Math Schedule around Reading Block – start at 10:00 A.M.
Sample Schedule
Progress Monitoring Before we progress monitored every 9 weeks as a team Now we the RTI Team progress monitors every 4-5 weeks Had to meet 3 days a week instead of 1 Total of 65 students
Student Folders Interventionists focus on maintaining bi- weekly assessments of deficit sub skills Individual folders contain intervention plan, STAR Assessments, and other Diagnostic measures that the RTI Team evaluate
Tier 3 Behavior 5 students in Tier 3 last school year Worked with teachers, parents, & tier 3 team to plan the best strategies to help the student
What Struggles Did We Face? Scheduling Data Resistance to Change Teacher Implementation of Tier II Interventions with fidelity
Where Are We Going? Conducted Survey Will Implement Resource Folder by January 3, 2014 Professional Development on Foundational Reading Skills