BELL RINGER What does it mean to you to study?
What kind of book would you like to read for fun? A. A book with lots of pictures in it B. A book with lots of words in it C. A book with word searches or crossword puzzles
2. When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do? A. Write it down to see if it looks right B. Spell it out loud to see if it sounds right C. Trace the letters in the air (finger spelling)
3. You're out shopping for clothes, and you're waiting in line to pay. What are you most likely to do while you are waiting? A. Look around at other clothes on the racks B. Talk to the person next to you in line C. Fidget or move back and forth
4. When you see the word "cat," what do you do first? A. Picture a cat in your mind B. Say the word "cat" to yourself C. Think about being with a cat (petting it or hearing it purr)
5. What's the best way for you to study for a test? A. Read the book or your notes and review pictures or charts B. Have someone ask you questions that you can answer out loud C. Make up index cards that you can review
6. What's the best way for you to learn about how something works (like a computer or a video game)? A. Get someone to show you B. Read about it or listen to someone explain it C. Figure it out on your own
7. If you went to a school dance, what would you be most likely to remember the next day? A. The faces of the people who were there B. The music that was played C. The dance moves you did and the food you ate
8. What do you find most distracting when you are trying to study? A. People walking past you B. Loud noises C. An uncomfortable chair
9. When you are angry, what are you most likely to do? A. Put on your "mad" face B. Yell and scream C. Slam doors
10. When you are happy, what are you most likely to do? A. Smile from ear to ear B. Talk up a storm C. Act really hyper
Tally Your Score! Whatever number you picked of A, B, and C is your percentage: So for example- if you pick 3 As, 2 Bs and 5 Cs you are: 30% Auditory 20% Visual 50% Tactile
How do YOU learn best? Do you learn best from listening? OR Do you learn best from images? OR Do you learn best from doing?
AUDITORY Auditory learners process and remember information best when they hear it and repeat it. Use this knowledge to customize your high school study skills with teacher tested auditory learning styles strategies. Read aloud and repeat. Highlight key concepts as you read. Then read the highlighted material aloud. To memorize facts, repeat the information aloud several times. Record and review. To boost retention, record lectures (get permission first). Then review the material at home. If you take written notes, read them into a recorder and play them back. You can also read, record, and listen to textbook chapters.
AUDITORY Discuss. Explain new concepts to a family member or study partner. When you have required reading, retell the main points of the selection in your own words. Practice word association. Use rhymes and acronyms to help recall facts. Example: In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue! Use CDs. Ask your librarian if a required book is available on CD. To increase comprehension of a book on CD, follow along the text as you listen. Ask for help. Ask friends and family members to quiz you orally as you prepare for tests
VISUAL To study most efficiently, focus on the strengths of a visual learning style. Use color. Buy a rainbow of pens and highlighters. When you take notes, use different colors for different concepts Write key concepts three times in three different colors. Highlight important passages and points in standout shades. Look at the pictures first. Before you read a passage from a textbook, first look at the illustrations to get an idea of the topic. When you read the chapter, review the graphics to help you remember key concepts.
VISUAL Picture what you read. As you read, get a clear idea of what’s going on by picturing the action in your mind. Use flashcards. Use flashcards to help you memorize facts. For example, for a history class, write a date on one side of a card and key events that took place on that date on the reverse. Get it in writing. Remember to take notes on everything your teacher writes on the board or displays using presentation software. Ask the teacher to supply written assignments whenever possible.
Kinesthetic Kinesthetic learners process information and solve problems most efficiently when they turn learning into a hands on activity. Try some of these kinesthetic learning strategies. Get a grip on it. If you can, choose projects that let you use your hands. If you are studying the solar system, for instance, build a model of it.
Kinesthetic Get more from reading. When you read, follow along with your fingers or a bookmark to boost comprehension. Use bright colors to underline, circle, and highlight concepts. Rewrite relevant facts or key concepts in your own words. Act out a passage from a book you are assigned or put on a skit to demonstrate what you are studying.
Kinesthetic Take a break. To focus better and avoid boredom, study for a short time (no longer than thirty minutes), and then take a physical activity break. Explore. Take field trips. Look for exhibits or programs that relate to topics you are learning about in class. For instance, if you are studying ancient Egypt, go to a museum that has ancient Egyptian artifacts.
Let’s Practice! You will now travel to different study stations and take part in that form of studying for 10 minutes – Study Station 1: Notecards – Study Station 2: Cheat Sheet Study Guide – Study Station 3: Practice Test – Study Station 4: Review Reading