Balatonszemes Experiences of the participation in social dialogue at the EU level
Balatonszemes Social dialogue Consultation and information among social partners Social partners: employers employees government Form of participation:tripartite bipartite
Balatonszemes History of consultation in Europe at the level companies with the same owners/shareholders European Works Council at the level of companies in the same sector sectoral social dialogue (SSD)
Balatonszemes European Works Councils 1990ies: influx of large corporations to Eastern Europe elbow-room of companies increase – dependance of employees increase, too need for a consultation forum for the multinational company as a whole 1994 EU directive -development of the EWC
Balatonszemes ENI European Works Council established 1995: ENI – EMCEF – FILCEM, FEMCA, UILCEM agreement renewed after 3 years members: 1 secretary, 1 from EMCEF, 3 from Italian unions, 15 Italian, 15 European employees meetings: once a year + special negotiating body themes: strategic plan, employment policy, consultation
Balatonszemes Positive factors in the EWC work contacts with representatives of other affiliates access to useful information possibility to establish contacts among the workers representations of the different companies joint action, raising awareness
Balatonszemes Negative factors in the EWC work number of meetings not enough reports do not cover all important issues employer provides the report only at the meeting, no possibility to prepare problems of the mother company get more emphasis than the rest local problem cannot or only marginally be covered (wages, organisational changes)
Balatonszemes Is the right for information and consultation sufficient for the EWC? two principles clash: -the interference in the decision making mechanism of the company is an obstacle to the free disposal over the property -decisions concerning the living and working conditions of the employees are taken at the corporate (multinational) level 2002 the EU passed new directives on EWCs: the objective is tto strengthen the dialogue between the social partners
Balatonszemes Sectoral Dialogue Committees 1963: development of the institution of sectoral social dialogue established on the joint initiative of the social partners task: -consultation on common developments -establish and promote sectoral social dialogue
Balatonszemes Developments in the work of the sectoral dialogue committees in the beginning: joint statements, recommendations (employment, working time, vocational training) later: voluntary agreements (low level minimum standards)
Balatonszemes European Sectoral Social Dialoguie Committee Gas Industry established: March 2007 social partners: -EMCEF -EPSU -EUROGAS
Balatonszemes ECOTEC study: the general situation of the gas industry, strengths and weaknesses demographic changes and their impact on the gas industry
Balatonszemes Guarantee qualified workforce define required professions keep the elderly generation active life-long-training attract young workers to the sector
Balatonszemes Health and safety create healthy working conditions health checks minimise work-related accidents
Balatonszemes Social responsibility develop joint models on labour safety and environment present best practices, develop a tool-kit
Balatonszemes The future of energy in Europe changes in the use of gas EU 3. Energy package define the energy process until 2050
Balatonszemes Annual programme 2010 occupational health and safety reorganisations vocational training and qualification equal opportunities
Balatonszemes Thank you for your attention! Gyula Varga Gas Industry Trade Union Federation VDSZ