International Electrotechnical Commission Name Title Meeting Date Place, Country
167 countries: 83 Members, 84 Affiliates (participate free of charge) 5 Regional Centres experts 1577* active projects 9219 publications 174 TC/SCs 1313 WG *2014
Raw energy: 16% (3,209 trillion) World trade in electronics and electrical devices: 12% (USD *2,382 trillion) Vehicles: 7.2% (USD 1,390 trillion) Fashion: 2.5% (USD 0,473 trillion) *not including lighting, optical electronic and photo devices, medical devices, aircraft
Economies are highly interdependent Electrical and electronic goods are “made in the world” IEC work enables efficient participation in global value chains
Ability to sell = demonstrate quality, safety, performance Standards are fundamental for testing and certification Stimulate quality and competition Grow markets
Use widely agreed technical rules to participate in global value chains. Electronics and electrical goods = IEC International Standards & Conformity Assessment Systems.
Standardization strategy belongs at the highest level Quality management depends on Standards and conformity assessment Significant market advantages Direct impact on revenue
Technical and business intelligence Anticipate new Standards, better understand conformity assessment requirements In step with new regulations Preempt new requirements
Sell more broadly Reduce rejects and recalls Increase customer satisfaction Facilitate regulatory approval Reassure investors
Learn from mistakes and leap over development hurdles Assess the value of innovations vs competition Facilitate marketing and sales Improve quality and market reputation
Ensure your technologies are taken into account Identify market differences and avoid product variations Streamline production Reduce cost and increase commercial flexibility Eliminate duplication and waste
SME leaders in niche markets: Defend market position vs multinationals Sell to more markets Better, more relevant, easier to apply Standards for all
Access world-class experts Networking breaks: opportunity to discuss ideas and challenges experts at the global level Different backgrounds, many needs = better Standards
Improve your technical expertise Learn to defend arguments, negotiate, convince Learn how to apply Standards back home Get strategic insights that match company’s needs
Positive impact on expert career Better understanding of industry trends Global perspective of industry challenges and opportunities Global networking opportunity
To influence standardization process: Experts must be briefed on national industry/company needs and goals Have the right technical expertise Able to share and communicate
International Electrotechnical Commission Name Title Meeting Date Place, Country