© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. HealthCare
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 2 HealthCare – Agents and Stakeholders All of these agents produce data and are connected through different functions Patients Staff Investors Vendors Physicians Government & Regulatory Authorities
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 3 Healthcare - Functions Health-care facilities serve the people through: Multi speciality facilities Multi clinical outdoor facilities Multi physician diagnosis and treatment Multi pattern recuperation, treatment and hospitality Multiple levels of serving, targeting different wealth capable groups Providing nutrition to patients Inventory of medicines and consumables Reordering from Vendors Financial accounting and reporting Profit allocation and disbursements among agents and Stakeholders Providing stipulated data to the Government, public bodies and regulatory authorities Marketing of their service products, instruments to target groups
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 4 Generator of Transactional Data Data is generated from all these functions, most of them are monetary, some are non-monetary but affect monetary transactions indirectly Data has measures of various units and various formats All these facts or measures have many dimensions, each of these dimensions have finite boundary values and have filters that can be formed to categorize the values into multiple tranches. Data sets have their own meaning and may or may not be related from their nature. Data sets can be such that on-the-fly relations can be established. Data sets need aggregations, averaging, other mathematical and statistical operations to figure out the inner meanings and knowledge artefacts. Data sets need fast handling, fast forming and de-forming and yet cannot compromise on the random and almost continuous creation. Data sets cannot wait for long to be collected, collated, categorized and analysed more than any extra time than it is created.
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 5 Types of analysis needed in HealthCare Data thus generated needs on-the-spot analysis in many perspectives Data needs aggregate analysis of measuring one fact with respect to dimensions of different data sets Data comes from various applications that did not have the same historical time-line and can come from different platforms with different formats. Data can not be readily pooled into any central repository. Data needs to be presented so as to compare them on different time lines or different basis – this is the cross comparison and cross mapping of data Data needs to be extrapolated for forecasting of trends Data need be arraigned to provide predictive values and stochastic analysis Data has to be provided to come out with a respectable “what-if” analysis Data needs to be manipulated to bring out the analysis of variation [ANOVA analysis] Data has to be provided to the government and regulatory authorities.
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 6 Business Intelligence applied to HealthCare The study and practice of Business Intelligence has provided this industry the help it needed in all of this analysis BI has been able to map diseases with a general set of remedial medicines and treatments. This help has helped in packaging effectively a general cost figure with the time of stay in hospitals for patients and marketing that package has augmented the assurance value of a treatment planning for any patient. Any change in the input price of any element within the package can be mapped to the total change in the package -- this gives the elasticity of the price of the package with respect to that of any one element within that because the change of one element does also affect the change in other input factors too. So the elasticity figure is composite. Business intelligence has resolved this issue. The cross elasticity of associated products within any treatment is now available easily. The demand elasticity of the target group with respect to the change of any input is readily available now.
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 7 Limitations of usual BI tools Business Intelligence tools are usually designed around study and practice of Analytics tools and techniques. Analytics tools usually are designed around OLAP tools. OLAP tools are very complex to handle, to develop expertise in, to manage the transaction level data readily. OLAP tools navigate through many intermediate data bases and instances, in stages from formalising and standardizing data in one pool, then categorising the data in specified cubes through specified dimensions and then finally presenting them in dashboards or canvases. In all of these operations the currency of transaction data is compromised, each measure has to carry along more than one time-stamp and all these measures are to be first disentangled and then reconnected if needed. The security of the original data may be intact but those of the derived data is compromised along the long way of navigation. Speed and ease of data handling needs a professional hand to assist in every moment.
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 8 Data Analytics - the new evangelist Data analytics is the innovation the industry waited for so long Data analytics redefines Business Intelligence through its operation process. It hits the transaction data to take the necessary data and yet do not disturb the normal flow, pace and logic of transaction data creation and updates. It actually uses all the mathematical tools and statistical formulae on the transaction data but pivots the rows and columns for its own use and yet the user does not feel that there is something going on behind him or anything where (s)he has to worry about. It produces very similar kind of presentation of data that a complex and sophisticated OLAP based Business Analytics tool shows.
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 9 Ideal-Analytics – Ideal on-demand analytics IDEAL-ANALYTICS – the product solution is a much advanced form of Data Analytics tool that additionally undertakes very complex matrix manipulations in pivoting data through a very advanced computronic technology and yet hides the complexities from the user’s view – thus taking the pangs off the users’ shoulders. Very fast matrix calculations undertaken real-time, on-demand with on-the-fly formulae and self-service capabilities have reduced the number crunching time to a remarkable significance in terms of time, skill level demanded and ease of setting up. The queries can be picked and chosen in forming or can be very intuitively written and executed. Apparently unrelated datasets can be connected through on-the-fly relations setting and the results rendered with transient and ever changing data. Every time renewing the values when there is any change in the input data. The presentation is as good if not better than any usual OLAP based competing tools.
© 2012 Ideal Analytics Limited. 10 Ideal-Analytics: speed, ease and security with authenticity of data IDEAL-ANALYTICS – the product solution does not compromise the security and authenticity of the data in the quest of providing a simple and smart aid. Security with varying levels of access privileges depending on the fields and even value filters are provided where even a super user cannot hack through the data. The queries can be reused and yet will always fetch the current data with all derivatives current every time the query is executed. The changes of data automatically get reflected in the dashboard, without any extra conscious efforts from the analyst-user. Smart, elegance, slick, and stunningly presentable – that is the IDEAL offered by IDEAL- ANALYTICS.
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