Ms.Samina Javed The City School Mathematics,Grade 5 Action plan Ms.Samina Javed The City School Mathematics,Grade 5
Long Term Goal Adopt 21st century teaching approaches to enhance students appreciation of mathematics.
Short-term Goals Change my questioning strategies with students to promote critical thinking Focus on weak students Encourage students to share their experiences
Instructional Strategies and Tasks I will provide more opportunities for students to answer questions that require high order thinking I will provide students with time for group discussion I will allow students to adopt any method to solve mathematical problems
Solutions to Anticipated Challenges The principal may not agree with my new approaches Parents may not cooperate It could be time cosuming Solutions I will discuss the plan with my principal I will have meeting with parents I will plan an organized pattern
News letter Sample
Timeline I will focus more on the problems faced during the assessments and successfully adopt 21st century teaching approaches. I will make them practice by giving more mental math's work. September November October December I will focus more on basic concepts and vocabulary. I will assess them by giving challenging questions.
Resources Teachers who teach same grade and Subject. Oxford mathematics book. Internet Word processing, multimedia and spreadsheet applications. Intel Teach Program Getting Started Course manual
Conclusion By implementing my newly acquired 21st century teaching approaches, students will be more motivated and will appreciate and gain a better knowledge of mathematics.