Describe the Roman Catholic Church’s power during the Middle Ages. Hand in your Bells.
Identify factors that led to the decline of the Catholic Church in the later Middle Ages. Describe how the Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism affected the church. Explain why great teachers and priests challenged the Church during the later Middle Ages.
66. Babylonian Captivity 67. Great Schism 68. John Wycliffe 69. Jan Hus
Innocent III ( ) Papacy height of power Crusades Black Death Kings begin to form strong monarchies Church limited trade and industry Growth of towns Trade limited by church Questioned church practices ▪ Wealth ▪ Methods of raising money ▪ Worldly lives of the clergy
Philip IV ordered French clergy to pay taxes Pope Boniface VIII refused Church had power over worldly rulers First ever meeting of the Estates General Pope charged with heresy Simony Pope taken prisoner Died shortly after
Philip had a French Bishop elected Pope Clement V Papacy moved to Avignon France Next six popes were French Other countries lost respect for the church Too much French control
1: division, separation; also: discord, disharmony divisionseparationdiscord disharmony 2a: formal division in or separation from a church or religious body b: the offense of promoting schism
Gregory XI returned to Rome After Gregory’s death, two popes were elected Rome France Sometimes three popes Local rulers People Clergy Council of Constance (1414) ended the Great Schism
Book by teachers Pope in charge of church Rulers in charge of nations
Priest and teacher at Oxford University Attacked church Wealth Immorality Pope’s power The bible is the source of the Church’s power First translation of the Bible into English Heresy Support of England’s monarchy Banned from teaching
JkE&safe=active JkE&safe=active
Teacher University of Prague Criticized abuses in the church Excommunicated Burned at the stake
Ib6Q&safe=active Ib6Q&safe=active
Complete the Chapter 14.6 Guided Reading strategies worksheet.
Chapters 13 and 14 Friday Monday 03-01/04 Vocab. must be numbered You may use vocab. lists on the exam