The Zones of Regulation Adapted by Ana Carabajal-Guerra and Joan Obial for L. Kuypers’ The Zones of Regulation® Curriculum (2011).
Instructions Have students “find scared” by clicking this icon on each page: Use voice output devices for students to take turns reading text. In the yes-no picture sections, have students vote if they are or are not scared with each of the presented pictures. Have students take turns making their selection on the smart board. On the final page have student choose on the smartboard which zone (yellow or green) scared is in.
Scared is in the yellow zone.
When you feel scared your body might shake and you want to hide.
This woman is scared.
This boy is scared.
This man is scared.
When you feel scared, you can: ask for help or hug a friend
Everyone feels scared sometimes
What makes you scared?
Does a roller coaster make you scared?
Does a clown make you scared?
Does the doctor visit make you scared?
Does a big dog make you scared?
Does an airplane make you scared?
When I am scared, I am in the __________