WELCOME PARENTS 2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Stambaugh 2015 Annual Parent Meeting
ATTENDANCE Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IS THE LAW FLORIDA STATUE All children who have reached the age of six years or who will reach the age of six years by February 1 of any school year, but have not attained the age of 16, are required to attend school regularly during the entire school term. A child who attains the age of 16 during the school year is not subject to compulsory attendance if he/she files a formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment. Florida State Law defines TRUANCY AS: 5 Unexcused absences in a calendar month 10 Unexcused absences in 90 days 15 Unexcused absences in 90 days Parents are responsible by law to see that their child attends school regularly.
EXCUSED ABSENCES Personal illness Bereavement Trips: Must be pre-approved by administration Religious holidays Judicial actions Documentation will be required in order to excuse absences.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES An absence that does not have the approval of the school. For the purpose of a truancy petition, the student must be present more than 50% of the day to be counted present. Remember for K-5, 3 unexcused tardies EQUALS 1 unexcused absence.
THE BENEFITS OF REGULAR SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Higher Grades Socialize with Friends Enjoy school activities Future Goals (College, Career, Family)
DID YOU KNOW…… In PK, chronic absences predict poor attendance and academic performance in later grades. Students with high absences in kindergarten and 1st grade were less likely to be proficient readers by 3 rd grade! By 6 th grade, chronic absence (10% of school year or 18+ days) is a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school! By 9 th grade attendance becomes a better predictor of dropout rates then 8 th grade test scores! Being On TRACK: 9 or less excused or unexcused absences for the entire school year.
VIDEO Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela
PROCEDURES Parents will receive an automated call for each absence When a student returns to school Parent/Doctor’s Note to be given to Ms. Hooper in the attendance office Absence will remain unexcused until proper written notification is given Ask teachers for makeup work Attendance letters are sent out at 10 excused and 5 unexcused days Attendance meeting is scheduled at 10 unexcused days Intervention plan developed and monitored
NEED TO KNOW… School Attendance is expected: Attendance Contract After 10 absences, a doctor’s note must be provided in order to excuse the absence. The school and social worker will continue to monitor your student’s attendance and interventions. If the pattern of non-attendance continues, the social worker may contact you by phone, make a home visit or schedule another meeting at school. If your student reaches 15 unexcused absences in a 90 day period, a referral to Youth and Families Alternatives (YFA) or parental prosecution can be filed. Also, Loss of Driving Privileges(age 14). High School – Credit denial and/or being withdrawn from school Our goal is to work with you and ensure your student receives an education so that he/she can be successful in the future.
HOW CAN PARENT’S HELP -Talk about the importance of school-Only stay home is truly sick -Develop daily routines-Regular communication with school -Schedule appointments after school-Encourage school engagement -View parent portal daily-Help child identify one adult they - Stay on top of your child’s social contacts trust at school. -Correct phone number and mailing address
We can answer any general question at this time. If you have any individual questions pertaining to your student, we would be more than happy to talk to you privately.
INFORMATION PAGE Stambaugh Middle School| Home of the Bloodhounds (863) Administration: Ms. Butler Ms. VincentMs. Morgan Principal Asst. Principal Asst. Principal Attendance: Ms. VincentGuidance: Ms. Masch-Clark Ms. Hooper Ms. Davis Social Worker: Mrs. Bryan (863)
Ways to Volunteer Become an approved volunteer, $25 one- time fee Join/attend PTSO meeting Be a chaperone at dances or field trips Help out on Picture Day Work the shirts at Orientation Ask the teachers how you can help 2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator
Testing Information Florida Standards Assessment is given in grades 6-8 in the areas of math and English/language arts (reading and writing). 7 th grade students take the Civics end of course 8 th grade students take FCAT Science General test dates are: Writing – February 29 through March 11 (grades 6-8) Reading & Math – April 11 through April 22 (grades 6-8) Science – April 11 through May 6 (grade 8) Algebra & Geometry – April (select 7 th and 8 th grade) Civics – April 18 through May 20 (grade 7) A more specific calendar will be issued after the winter break.
Middle School GPA calculation is changing this year It will now be a cumulative average instead of a year to year average Once in 8 th, ALL middle school classes count toward final GPA To promote to High School Cumulative GPA of 2.0 3 classes each of English, Math, Science, & Social Studies with a passing grade = 12 “credits” Career planning 2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator
Let’s learn about Title I T 2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Title 1 is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools
What is ESEA ? The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a United States federal law enacted April 11, It was passed as a part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s "War on Poverty." It has been the most far-reaching federal legislation affecting education ever passed by Congress Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator
To provide supplemental resources and services to: High poverty schools Migratory Children and Families Institutions serving neglected and delinquent children and youth The Purpose of Title I
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator How does it work? The Federal Government… Provides funds to states each year for Title I based on U.S. census poverty data. State Education Agencies… Send the money to school districts based on the number of families that receive free and reduced lunch. Send in a plan describing: high-quality standards that children are expected to meet ways their progress will be measured how Title I funds will help children meet expectations The Local School Districts (LEAs)… Identifies eligible schools and distribute the funds.
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator The program serves students in public elementary and secondary schools that have a high poverty rate. Title I also serves eligible students who attend private schools. Which schools does Title 1 Serve?
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator What is the goal of Title 1? To improve student achievement… Through effective instruction Professional development Family involvement
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Title I helps …………… Children be more successful in school. Parents have a voice in their child’s education and gives them tools and resources necessary to help their child academically and establish a “learning environment” in the home. Teachers realize the contributions of parents to their child’s education and work with them to raise the student achievement for their child.
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator The Title I program will provide your child with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom What will Title I do for your child? Generally Title 1 programs offer: Smaller classes or special instructional spaces Additional teachers and/or paraprofessionals Opportunities for professional development for school staff Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills they need A variety of supplementary teaching methods Additional teaching materials which supplement a student’s regular instruction An individualized program for students
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Title I Needs Parents’ Help to… Determine goals for the program plan and carry out goals evaluate programs volunteer at the school, and attend curriculum nights, academic workshops, etc., in order to have more information and tools to help their child at home
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Title I Needs your input and help to write and revise the following documents: District Parent Involvement Plan – The District writes a plan that helps parents have more information about parent involvement on the district level. The Parent-School Compact – states the goals and responsibilities of school, parents and students. School Parent Involvement Plan – helps parents understand and take part in what the school is doing. This includes planning parent activities that will benefit you and your child. Online Parent Survey- Please take time to complete our online parent survey. District Parent Advisory Team - If you would like to attend the meeting in Spring, please let us know.
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator 1.Parents have the right to know the professional qualifications of their children’s teacher and paraprofessional. 2.Parents have the right to know when their child is taught be a non-highly qualified teacher for 4 or more consecutive weeks. 3.Parents have the right to know their child’s performance rating on the state assessment—state assessment information has not been distributed from Spring of 2015 as of Oct 1. Parents Have the Right To Know This information was sent in a letter to all parents at the start of school.
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator The following information can be found on the school website and/or is available in the school’s front office. 1.District and School Parent Involvement Plans 2.District and School Summaries 3.School Improvement Plan 4.School Parent compacts 5.4 week notification letters 6.Right To Know Letter 7.Parent Informational Resource Centers 8.Parent Learning University for Growing 9.Parent Guide/ Code of Conduct 10.School data: school grades and report card
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Parent Informational Resource Centers
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Frostproof Elementary 118 W. 3 rd Street, Frostproof, FL (863) STAFF: Anna Loiaza Open M, W, F-7:30 AM-3:00 Sleepy Hill Elementary 2285 Sleepy Hill Road Lakeland, FL (863) STAFF: Azalea Guadalupe Open M, W, F-7:30 AM-3:00 Garner Elementary 2500 Havendale Blvd NW Winter Haven, FL (863) STAFF: Mindy Santiago Open M, W, F-7:30 AM-3:00 Combee Elementary 2805 Morgan Combee Rd Lakeland, FL (863) STAFF: Jacqueline Olivo Open M, W, F-7:30 AM-3:00 Mulberry Middle School 500 Martin Luther King Ave Mulberry, FL (863) STAFF: Nitza RibotOpen M, W, F-8:00 AM-3:30 PM
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator What will they offer? * Informational brochures and pamphlets on a variety of topics. * Information on local community resources, including ACCESS. * Materials to check out and use at home with their child. * A parent resource library. * ACT/SAT test prep materials for checkout. * GED study guides and adult school information. * Visits from the Books Bridge Bus. * Quarterly visits from AGAPE mobile food pantries. * Learn English with Rosetta Stone. * Computers for parent use. * Bilingual materials and bilingual informational resources. * Information on the Para Pro Test. * Family game night
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Does your child need help with homework ? Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3-6 PM Please contact a center for more information. Parents must remain in the center with their child.
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Please contact a center for more information -see handout AGAPE Mobile Food Pantries Will visit each parent center several times throughout the school year. At each visit the mobile pantry will have free groceries for 200+ families. Next scheduled AGPE Mobile Food Bank scheduled for Nov 10 at Mulberry Middle School
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Parent University FREE classes and workshops for parents with a child in a Title I school. Next scheduled February 27, 2016 Visit the polk-fl.net website search for: Parent University
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Parent University! Here are some of the workshop topics that will be offered; Curriculum based on the Florida Standards bullying, positive parenting behavior financial literacy interviewing for a job and writing a resume substance abuse academics graduation requirements testing using your public library healthy cooking internet safety and stranger danger and many other topics! Please visit the parent university website or contact a center for more information..
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Parent Center Website /PARENTS/INVOLVEMENT/PIRC.HTM Parent University Website /PARENTS/INVOLVEMENT/PLUG.HTM Or contact a center for more information..
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator For more information about Parent Involvement in Title I schools please contact : Denise Atwell Title I District Parent Involvement Coordinator Polk County Schools
2015 Annual Parent Meeting Denise Atwell, Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator Approximately, 1% of the District’s Title I budget is allocated for Parent Involvement. Approximately, 1% of your school’s Title I budget is allocated for parent involvement.
Thank you for attending! Please complete the short meeting evaluation before you leave. Save these dates: November 9, 2015 January 28, 2016 March 15, 2016 May/June TBA