Introduction to
Population Change per month Poverty Rate Mahnomen5,081 1 car out 15.1% Cook5,317 1 car in 7.1% Wright106, cars in 4.9% Scott114, cars in 3.8% Hennepin1,120,897 7 cars in 9.1% Source: U.S. Census Bureau
What is a County? A County provides services to citizens The structure of local government (cities and counties) dates back to Old England The U.S. Constitution does not address local governments States create and grant power to counties States mandate 75% of what counties do
What Does a County Worker Do? Sheriff’s ServicesSheriff’s Services Social ServicesSocial Services RoadsRoads Birth/Death RecordsBirth/Death Records Veterans ServiceVeterans Service Environmental HealthEnvironmental Health Courts/ProbationCourts/Probation ElectionsElections Tax CollectionTax Collection Land Use/DevelopmentLand Use/Development Building InspectionsBuilding Inspections LibrariesLibraries ParksParks
County Brown Uniforms Regional Parks Roads Throughout 87 in the State City Blue Uniforms Local Parks Roads Within 850 in the State
County Structure Board of Commissioners County Attorney County Administrator County Sheriff 1st Judicial District Court Administration 1st Judicial District Court Services Library System Community Development Social Services Finance Public Works Services Employee Relations Citizens
Setting a Budget
Where Does the Money Come From?
Future Leaders of Scott County Day
Future Leaders of Scott County Day continued...