Report Writing Intro to Law Enforcement ROP Instructor: G Uppal
A. What is a Report? Definition: *A written document, prepared by a peace officer that records, in detail, that officer’s observations and actions, as they relate to a specific event or incident. *What did the officer see? What did the officer do? What was the officer told? *The officer collects Facts and statements of victims, witnesses, and suspects and compiles them together as a NUETRAL party
B. Why do Officer’s write Reports 1.To ensure DUE PROCESS: The officers, prosecutors, judges, etc… must have sufficient information and evidence to initiate or continue the judicial process and be able to successfully prosecute or exonerate a suspect. The officers, prosecutors, judges, etc… must have sufficient information and evidence to initiate or continue the judicial process and be able to successfully prosecute or exonerate a suspect. * An officer’s report is very important to the judicial process, each report must be able to stand up to critical review and legal scrutiny.
2. Responsibility to Society. * The officer and his/her action and decisions are subject to answer to society. *The officer ‘s department also a responsibility to society. * The officer will write the report to cover his/her actions and protect the citizens of his/her jurisdiction as well as his/her self.
C. Uses for Reports: Assist with the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of criminals. Assist with the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of criminals. Assists prosecutors, defense attorneys, and other law enforcement agencies. Assists prosecutors, defense attorneys, and other law enforcement agencies. Provide a source of information for evaluating an officer’s performance and ability. Provide a source of information for evaluating an officer’s performance and ability. Aids in determining potential civil liability. Aids in determining potential civil liability. Assist officers prior to or during court appearances (refresh memory of incident). Assist officers prior to or during court appearances (refresh memory of incident). Serves as reference materials and documents possible historical events. Serves as reference materials and documents possible historical events.
D. Possible users and persons who may have access to your report. Immediate supervisors and Field Training Officers. Immediate supervisors and Field Training Officers. Detectives/Investigators Detectives/Investigators D.A. & Defense Attorneys D.A. & Defense Attorneys Insurance Agencies Insurance Agencies Other Attorneys (Civil Rights) Other Attorneys (Civil Rights) Dep’t of Corrections Dep’t of Corrections Media Media Other Law Enforcement agencies: State & Federal Other Law Enforcement agencies: State & Federal