Adv. UNIX: Prelim/01 Advanced UNIX v Who I am: –Andrew Davison CoE, Info. Eng. Research Lab. (Room 101) v Objectives –to give some background on this subject Special Topics in Comp. Eng. 1 Semester 2, Preliminaries Please ask questions
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/02 Overview 1. Outline of the Course 2. Meeting Time / Location 3. Workload 4. Course Materials 5. Reading Materials
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/03 1. Outline of the Course v UNIX (Linux) programming with: –UNIX tools (e.g. grep ) and shell scripts –C (using its UNIX libraries) v Assumes that you have done “Introduction to UNIX” –the notes are on Central in: appl\Subject.CoE\unixintr
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/04 Details 1. The File Structure 2. The Shell 3. Regular Expressions 4. Filters 5.Which Shell? 6. The Bourne Shell 7. The C Shell continued
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/05 8. Perl 9.Standard I/O in C 10.File Processing 11.Curses 12.The Preprocessor 13.The Standard Libraries 14.Large Programs continued
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/06 15.Debugging 16. Low-level File I/O 17.The File (Again) 18.The Directory 19.User and System Information 20.Processes 21.Signals Overlaps with material in “Client/Server Distributed Systems”
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/07 3. Meeting Time / Location v Wednesday amR204 Thursday amR204 Friday amR204 v Times/locations can change if you ask me!
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/08 3. Workload (% of total score) v Two Exercises:10% total –each exercise is worth 5% v One Project:20% –starts in week 13, lasts 2 weeks; C) v Mid-term Exam:30% (2 hours) v Final Exam:40% (3 hours)
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/09 Non-Attendence Penalty v I may take registration at the start of a class. v If someone is not there, they lose 0.5% (unless they have a good excuse). v A maximum of 10% can be lost –deducted from final mark
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/ Course Materials v I will hand out one copy of my slides, the exercises, and the project. The Powerpoint slides will be placed on-line on central in \appl\Subject.CoE\unix2 \slides\exercises\projects continued
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/011 Examples will be placed on calvin in: ~ad/teach/adv-unix/
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/012 v A good book on UNIX (topics 1-7 from section 1): –A Practical Guide to the UNIX System (3rd ed.) Mark G. Sobell Bejamin/Cummings, 1995 –most UNIX books cover these topics continued 5. Reading Materials One of you may borrow it off me.
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/013 v A good general book on UNIX (Linux)systems programming using C (topics 9-21): –Beginning Linux Programming Neil Matthew and Rick Stones Wrox Press, 1996 –simple --> quite advanced! In the CoE library continued
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/014 –Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment W. Richard Stevens Addison-Wesley, 1992 –quite technical/hard –often considered the “bible” –not specific to Linux In the CoE library continued
Adv. UNIX: Prelim/015 v There are several Perl books in our library (topic 8) –e.g.Learning Perl Unix Programming Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Christiansen O’Reilly, 1997 –I will only be giving a brief overview of Perl