A court of appeals decides appeals from the district courts within its federal judicial circuit, and in some instances from other designated federal courts and administrative agencies.
US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts hear appeals of civil or criminal cases tried in the US District Courts. They do not retry cases or make decisions about the defendant's guilt, but review the written records from the trial court to determine if the question raised on appeal (the reason for the appeal) is valid and, if so, how the problem should be addressed.
Engblom v. Carey, 1982 – National Guardsmen we activated due to a strike by the New York state correction officers. At Mid-Orange Correctional Facility (and other facilities) striking employees were evicted from employee housing which was then used to house some of the National Guard. The case was ruled in favor of the National Guard.
Muth vs. Frank, Striking down anti- homosexual sodomy laws as unconstitutional did not extend to the conclusion that laws against consensual adult incest were similarly unconstitutional.