Key Action 1 MOBILITY
Possibilities of mobilities Inter-institutional agreements Individual grants
Participants Programme CountriesPartner Countries -28 EU Memeber States; - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; -Turkey -Macedonia Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
Mobility types Credit mobility Degree mobility
Mobility terms (credit mobility) Study (3-12 months) Training / internship (2-12 months) Teaching (1 week – 2 months)
Countries -partners Poland Lithuania Germany Sweden
Polish partners Poznan University of Technology (Politechnika Poznanska) University of Bielsko-Biala (AkademiaTechniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Bialej) Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Slaska) Rzeszow University of Technology (Politechnika Rzeszowska) Czestochowa University of Technology (Politechnika Czestochowska ) AGH University of science and Technology (Krakow) Lodz University of Technlogy (Politechnika Lodzka) Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom Kozminski University
Other – partners Kaunas university of Technology THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences Blekinge Institute of Technology
Numbers Students for study – 215 Students for traineeships – 36 Staff for teaching – 118 Staff for training - 21
Results: Rzeszow University of Technology - Application forms - February, 2, 2016; start of the mobility - June, 1, 2016 Lodz University of Technlogy (Politechnika Lodzka) - Since March, 2016 (Computer Science) Kaunas university of Technology - Ukraine is not eligible for KTU for the next academic year.
Useful resources 1 Erasmus+ Homepage: plus/index_en.htm FAQs for Higher Education Institutions: cooperation/documents/mobilityfaqs_en.pdf FAQs for Students & Staff: dents-questions-answers_en.pdf FAQs on the Inter-institutional Agreement: faq_en.pdf Quality Framework: education/qualityframework_en.htm
Useful resources 2 Erasmus+ documents and templates: scover/guide/documents-applicants_en.htm Erasmus+ Programme Guide: cuments/erasmus-plus-programme- guide_en.pdf Erasmus Charter for Higher Education: er-education/doc/he-charter_en.pdf
Useful resources 3 Erasmus+ Student Charter: ereducation/doc/charter_en.pdf Brochure on Erasmus+ international opportunities: programme-pbEC / ECTS User's Guide: /2015/ects-usersguide_en.pdf Egracons European Grade Conversion System:
Erasmus + coordinator Oksana Ivanytska Tel:
PIC Participant Identification Code
Національний Еразмус+ офіс в Україні Тел.: +38(044) , +38(044)