CLSA Investors’ Forum 2007 September 17 – 21, 2007 Industry Overview Financial Highlights
2 Company Background: Over 37 years of experience in television. 13 more years to go under the existing license. Concession fees were duly fixed. Much more than an ordinary television company.
3 The Businesses: Broadcasting & Media: An operator of a nation-wide free terrestrial TV network, known as Channel 3. An operator of 3 FM radio stations in Bangkok. The owner of Thai popular web-sites “ ThaiTV3.Com ” ; “ BECNews.Com ”
4 The Businesses: Sourcing, Producing, Promoting & Distributing Programmes: Well established in Thai entertainment industry. Used mainly during prime-time on Channel 3. Expanding to other types of entertainment activities: Live Shows, Sport Events, etc.
5 1H-2007 Revenue: Advertising Revenues are dominant part of our revenues.
6 TV Advertising Trend: High Growth Rate – Recovers Fast Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research YoY'93'94'95'96'97'98'992000'01'02'03'04'05'06 Growth34%25%14%19%10%-15%11%18%8%14%13%12%6%7%
7 TV ADEX TV AdexCh.3Ch.5Ch.7Ch.9Ch.11iTV Industry ,3928,54914,6277,6841,5059,23953, ,392 8,238 14,010 6,956 1,171 9,244 50, ,806 7,866 13,734 6, ,351 47, ,857 7,923 12,030 4, ,928 42,288 ’06 YoY 14.2%3.8%4.4%10.5%28.5%17.3%6.9% '05 YoY -3.8%4.7%2.0%8.0%20.7%25.8%6.0% '04 YoY -0.5%-0.7%14.2%41.5%-2.6%24.0%11.5% Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research
8 Advertising Expenditure Trends: Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research ESTIMATED TOTAL ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE BY MEDIUM 2Q (APRIL - JUNE) 07 VS 06 BAHT MILLIONS MEDIA2Q 07 SOV% 2Q 06 SOV%DIFF % Change TV 12, , (1,242) RADIO 1, , (68) NEWSPAPERS 3, , MAGAZINES 1, , (157) CINEMA 1, OUTDOOR 1, , (58) TRANSIT (8) IN STORE TOTAL 22, , (730)
9 Advertising Spends on TV 2Q ’ 07 vs 2Q ’ 06 Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research +6.3% +0.9% -8.2% -19.3% -26.5% -27.2% Baht : Millions
10 Advertising Expenditure Trends: Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research ESTIMATED TOTAL ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE BY MEDIUM 1H 07 VS 06 BAHT MILLIONS MEDIA 1H 07 SOV% 1H 06 SOV%DIFF % Change TV 25, , (847) (3.22) RADIO 3, , (171) (5.32) NEWSPAPERS 7, , (402) (5.18) MAGAZINES 2, , (105) (3.55) CINEMA 1, , OUTDOOR 2, , (79) (3.41) TRANSIT (51) (10.90) IN STORE TOTAL 43, , (208) (0.47)
11 Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research Advertising Spends on TV 1H ’ 07 vs 1H ’ 06 Baht : Millions +8.4% +2.5% -2.9% -16.5% -12.0% -12.7%
12 Market Shares 1H-2007: Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research
13 Top 20 Advertisers on Television 1H07: Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research 1H/071H/06%CHG 3579ITV ADVERTISER (000 BAHT) %CHG UNILEVER (THAI)2,451,5162,302,7176.5%18.8%-6.7%-0.6%13.1%8.4% PROCTER & GAMBLE698,114717, %-8.1%-40.3%19.8%-46.0%-53.5% BEIERSDORF (THAILAND)491,927453,2488.5%22.2%26.9%0.1%114.0%-22.9% COLGATE-PALMOLIVE478,252386, %40.7%223.4%-4.0%218.3%30.7% L'OREAL (THAILAND)449,513260, %71.7%578.4%38.1%78.9%54.1% NESTLE(THAI) LTD.445,914469, %25.6%-34.7%3.5%-38.6%-55.9% KAO COMMERCIAL375,565333, %19.5%54.5%16.7%-19.9%-15.6% ADVANCE INFO SERVICE352,588364, %39.2%73.0%1.6%55.0%-53.7% JOHNSON&JOHNSON343, %19.6%44.8%23.7%22.2%56.0% LION (THAILAND)315, %29.9%128.8%18.9%10.4%5.3% OSOTSPA- TECK HENG YOO315,011366, %-18.1%23.0%-27.1%22.6%-16.2% AJINOMOTO SALES280,667287, %9.6%14.4%2.5%-15.4%-17.8% TOTAL ACCESS COMM.271,940271,5630.1%47.7%-14.1%3.7%-29.9%-51.1% TRI PETCH ISUZU270,971219, %2.2%22.2%20.1%49.2%29.3% TOYOTA MOTOR269,030385, %-29.4%88.3%-46.1%-36.2%-53.6% PTT PUBLIC CO.,LTD.235,117334, %-39.5%5.9%-72.5%-42.5%-21.7% SIAM CEMENT GROUP194,198157, %53.7%134.6%0.1%-16.8%37.2% UNICHARM (THAILAND).193,437133, %70.8%-4.5%81.4%63.3%-4.8% CEREBOS(THAILAND)191,394139, %86.0%71.7%48.3%15.3%-64.2% SIAM COMMERCIAL BANK187, %708.0%971.0%1028.2%718.2%229.5% Exclude Government and Music Spending:
14 Top 20 Advertisers on Television 1H07: Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research Exclude Government and Music Spending: Grand Total 3579TITV ADVERTISER (000 BAHT) %%% UNILEVER (THAI)2,451, %8.2%32.4%11.3%25.6% PROCTER & GAMBLE698, %5.2%50.1%1.5%2.3% BEIERSDORF (THAILAND)491, %4.6%32.8%7.6%14.9% COLGATE-PALMOLIVE478, %2.4%35.4%4.0%10.1% L'OREAL (THAILAND)449, %12.5%29.4%11.4%18.5% NESTLE(THAI) LTD.445, %4.7%44.5%5.3%7.0% KAO COMMERCIAL375, %11.8%40.4%6.0%11.8% ADVANCE INFO SERVICE352, %11.8%39.4%9.1%15.4% JOHNSON&JOHNSON343, %13.4%30.4%11.2%7.4% LION (THAILAND) CO.,LTD.315, %28.1%17.3%10.3%24.1% OSOTSPA (TECK HENG YOO)315, %14.0%24.7%15.8%15.1% AJINOMOTO SALES280, %12.9%35.3%7.5%19.2% TOTAL ACCESS COMM.271, %11.8%37.2%10.0%5.2% TRI PETCH ISUZU SALES270, %16.8%14.8%24.8%20.4% TOYOTA MOTOR THAILAND269, %22.3%23.9%16.9%10.6% PTT PUBLIC CO.,LTD.235, %21.6%7.6%19.5%15.8% SIAM CEMENT GROUP194, %10.2%32.2%10.1%18.7% UNICHARM (THAILAND)193, %10.3%38.6%8.7%15.1% CEREBOS(THAILAND)191, %7.6%32.0%12.7%3.9% SIAM COMMERCIAL BANK187, %16.4%26.0%13.4%11.6%
15 Top Gainers 1H ’ 07 Rank (Bahtx1,000) FIRST HALF 2007 Changes 1H07-06 No. PRODUCT SECTION Amt.% % 1 SKIN CARE PREPARATION 2,553, % 445, % 2TOILETRIES 1,448, % 168, % 3SUNDRIES 233, % 156, % 4BANKS 370, % 110, % 5FOODSTUFFS 1,062, % 103, % 6 VITAMIN & SUPP. FOOD 449, % 99, % 7 HOUSEHOLD CLEANER … 934, % 95, % 8REAL ESTATE 268, % 93, % 9ORAL PRODUCT 641, % 66, % 10 EDUCATIONAL INSTITU … 195, % 66, % Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research
16 Top Losers 1H ’ 07 Rank (Bahtx1,000) FIRST HALF 2007 Changes 1H07-06 No.PRODUCT SECTION Amt.% % 45PETROL 211, % - 82, % 46DAIRY PRODUCT 832, % - 92, % 47SNACK FOOD 393, % - 96, % 48 NON ALCHOHOLIC BEVER.. 1,660, % - 126, % 49 CERDIT/DEBIT CARDS 164, % - 143, % 50 GOVERNMENT & COMMU … 1,250, % - 240, % 51 CD/VDO & MUSIC PRO … 899, % - 242, % 52COMMUNICATIONS 1,222, % - 369, % 53 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 365, % - 483, % 54LEISURE 1,060, % - 494, % Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research
17 STATION SHARE OF AUDIENCE WHOLE KINGDOM : ALL AGED POTENTIAL 2005 : 2006 : 59,400,000 ; 2007 :60,107,000 Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research
18 Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research POTENTIAL 2005 : 2006 : 59,400,000 ; 2007 :60,107,000 STATION SHARE OF AUDIENCE WHOLE KINGDOM : ALL AGED
19 Industry Reform: There will be a new regulatory body and new Broadcasting Bill, shortly. The reform is about to begin. The reform is “ blessing in disguised ” for BEC as the industry will be more transparent and orderly. Long awaited new investment opportunities in domestic market will be opened for BEC.
20 Baht:Millions 2Q07 +/- QoQ +/- YoY Advertising1,7116.2%7.3% Copyright & Services5411.8%-38.0% Concerts & Shows %-26.2% Total Sales Revenue 1,7971.5%4.1% 2nd Quarter of 2007 Highlights: Net Earnings % 26.5%
21 BEC World 2Q07 Operating Results BEC WorldSecond Quarter of 2007 Operating Results฿ Million % +/- YoY +/- QoQ Total Sales Revenues1,797100%724%26 2% Operating Costs Cost of Services 68739% -41-6%33 5% Cost of Shows 2887% % % Cost of Sales & Services 71540% %-18 -2% Selling & Admin. Expenses 31317% % Total Operating Costs1,02857%-59-6% 5 1% Operating Profit 76943%13121%21 3% Share of Associates' Results -10-1% 1-7%6 -36% Other Income 67 4% 42172%31 87% Profit Before Tax 82646%17427%57 8% Corporate Income Tax 22913% 3618% 12 5% Profit After Tax 59633%13830%46 8% Profit of Minority's Interest % -14% NET PROFIT58833%12327%479%
22 High Operating Leverage: As our operating costs and expenses are mostly fixed in nature, thus BEC World has high operating leverage. Our profitability will improve greater than the growth rate of our revenue growth. Revenue and Profit Growth (1Q99 is BASE)
23 BEC’s Dividend History: BEC World intends to grow its dividend as well as to retain high payout ratio. With our ability to make profit and the fact that we normally generates more cash than the reported profit, thus these objectives are not that difficult. Baht per share