By: Kiana Gathers
Objectives To study the climate, the planet’s structure, its geology, and to search for traces of water. To take global surveys of the topography of the martian surface at 10-meter resolution mineralogical mapping at 100-meter resolution, characterization of the subsurface to several kilometers depth To analyze the atmospheric circulation, surface- atmospheric interactions, and interactions between the martian atmosphere and the space environment.
Mission Mars Express is Europe’s first mission to the Red Planet. It carries seven instruments and deployed a lander, Beagle 2. The lander was lost during its attempt to reach the planet’s surface but the orbiter continues its highly successful on-going global investigation of Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos.
Engineering/Science Mars Express hosts seven scientific instruments. HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) OMEGA (Visible and Infrared Mineralogical Mapping Spectrometer) is also used to the study the atmosphere MARSIS (Sub-surface Sounding Radar Altimeter) is used to image and study the surface and subsurface. Plasma is also studied. PFS (Planetary Fourier Spectrometer) studies the atmosphere and plasma SPICAM (Ultraviolet and Infrared Atmospheric Spectrometer) ASPERA (Energetic Neutral Atoms Analyser).
Engineering/Science Cont’d A radio link to convey data between the spacecraft and Earth is provided by MaRS, the Mars Radio Science Experiment, and used to study the gravity of Mars, the atmosphere and ionosphere, surface roughness and solar corona.
RESULTS Mars Express has traced the history of water across the globe, demonstrating that Mars once harbored environmental conditions that may have been suitable for life. It has been discovered that there is a presence of minerals that form only in the presence of water, as well as, a detection of water-ice deposits underground. Evidence suggests volcanism on Mars, which may have persisted until recent times. Studied Mars’ moon, Phobos in unprecendented detail.
Results Cont’d Provided the most complete map of the chemical composition of the atmosphere. This indicated the possible presence of methane, which on Earth is attributed to active volcanism and biochemical processes