THE OLYMPIANS -12 immortals dwell on Mount Olympus -Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera, Hemes, Poseidon -Hades lives in the underworld -Other gods, sometimes live on Olympus: Achelous :: Adonis :: Adrestia :: Aeolus :: Aether :: Agathodaemon :: Aglaea :: Algea :: Alpheus :: Amphitrite :: Ananke :: Androktasiai :: Anemoi :: Anteros :: Apate :: Aristaeus :: Asclepius :: Asopus :: Astraea :: Ate :: Atropos :: Aura :: Bia :: Britomartis :: Calypso :: Castalia :: Cephissus :: Chaos :: Circe :: Clotho :: Clytie :: Deimos :: Demeter :: Dionysus :: Dysnomia :: Echo :: Eileithyia :: Elpis :: Enyo :: Erebus :: Eris :: Eros :: Euphrosyne :: Gaea :: Geras :: Graeae :: Harmonia :: Hebe :: Hecate :: Heliadae :: Heliades :: Helios :: Hemera :: Hermaphroditus :: Hesperides :: Hesperus :: Horae :: Horkos :: Hyades :: Hyas :: Hypnos :: Iasion :: Iris :: Keres :: Keto :: Kratos :: Lachesis :: Lethe :: Limos :: Lyssa :: Makhai :: Maniae :: Melinoe :: Minor Gods :: Momus :: Moros :: Morpheus :: Nemesis :: Nephele :: Nike :: Nilus :: Nysiads :: Nyx :: Oizys :: Old Man of the Sea :: Oneiroi :: Ourea :: Paean :: Pan :: Peneus :: Persephone :: Pheme :: Philotes :: Phobos :: Phonoi :: Phorcys :: Phosphorus :: Phthonus :: Ploutos :: Ponos :: Pontus :: Primordial :: Pseudologoi :: Psyche :: Rhode :: Scamander :: Syrinx :: Tartarus :: Telesto :: Thalassa :: Thalia :: Thanatos :: Thaumas :: The Erinnyes :: The Fates :: The Graces :: The Muses :: Thetis :: Tyche :: Typhoeus :: Uranus :: Zagreus :: ZelusAchelous :: Adonis :: Adrestia :: Aeolus :: Aether :: Agathodaemon :: Aglaea :: Algea :: Alpheus :: Amphitrite :: Ananke :: Androktasiai :: Anemoi :: Anteros :: Apate :: Aristaeus :: Asclepius :: Asopus :: Astraea :: Ate :: Atropos :: Aura :: Bia :: Britomartis :: Calypso :: Castalia :: Cephissus :: Chaos :: Circe :: Clotho :: Clytie :: Deimos :: Demeter :: Dionysus :: Dysnomia :: Echo :: Eileithyia :: Elpis :: Enyo :: Erebus :: Eris :: Eros :: Euphrosyne :: Gaea :: Geras :: Graeae :: Harmonia :: Hebe :: Hecate :: Heliadae :: Heliades :: Helios :: Hemera :: Hermaphroditus :: Hesperides :: Hesperus :: Horae :: Horkos :: Hyades :: Hyas :: Hypnos :: Iasion :: Iris :: Keres :: Keto :: Kratos :: Lachesis :: Lethe :: Limos :: Lyssa :: Makhai :: Maniae :: Melinoe :: Minor Gods :: Momus :: Moros :: Morpheus :: Nemesis :: Nephele :: Nike :: Nilus :: Nysiads :: Nyx :: Oizys :: Old Man of the Sea :: Oneiroi :: Ourea :: Paean :: Pan :: Peneus :: Persephone :: Pheme :: Philotes :: Phobos :: Phonoi :: Phorcys :: Phosphorus :: Phthonus :: Ploutos :: Ponos :: Pontus :: Primordial :: Pseudologoi :: Psyche :: Rhode :: Scamander :: Syrinx :: Tartarus :: Telesto :: Thalassa :: Thalia :: Thanatos :: Thaumas :: The Erinnyes :: The Fates :: The Graces :: The Muses :: Thetis :: Tyche :: Typhoeus :: Uranus :: Zagreus :: Zelus
TITANS Asteria :: Astraeus :: Atlas :: Clymene :: Coeus :: Crius :: Cronus :: Dione :: Eos :: Epimetheus :: Eurybia :: Eurynome :: Hyperion :: Iapetus :: Lelantos :: Menoetius :: Metis :: Mnemosyne :: Oceanus :: Ophion :: Pallas :: Perses :: Phoebe :: Prometheus :: Rhea :: Selene :: Styx :: Tethys :: Thea :: Themis Asteria :: Astraeus :: Atlas :: Clymene :: Coeus :: Crius :: Cronus :: Dione :: Eos :: Epimetheus :: Eurybia :: Eurynome :: Hyperion :: Iapetus :: Lelantos :: Menoetius :: Metis :: Mnemosyne :: Oceanus :: Ophion :: Pallas :: Perses :: Phoebe :: Prometheus :: Rhea :: Selene :: Styx :: Tethys :: Thea :: Themis Members of the second order of divine beings, descended from the primordial deities(first gods coming from chaos), children of Gaia and Uranus
APOLLO God of the sun, music, poetry and medicine Son of Zeus and Leto, twin of Artemis Symbols: bow and arrows, golden lyre, and horse-drawn chariot, laurel wreath, python and raven Amon (Egyptian), Sol (Norse)
ARES God of War Mars (Roman), Thor (Norse), Huitzilopochtli (Aztec) Son of Zeus and Hera, they disliked him He had 8 children with his sister, Aphrodite Known for violence Symbols:spear, helmet, dog, chariot, boar, vulture, flaming torch
ARTEMIS Goddess of hunting, the natural environment and the moon Diana (Roman), Bast (Egyptian), Ullr (Norse) Never married or had children Daughter of Zeus and Leto, twin of Apollo Symbols: Bow, arrows, stags, hunting dog and moon
ATHENA Goddess of wisdom, war and the arts Minerva(Roman), Vor (Norse), and Thoth (Egyptian) Daughter of Zeus-she sprang from his forehead Symbols: snakes, armor, helmet, spears, olive tree, owl
DEMETER Goddess of agriculture and the harvest Ceres(Roman) and Cinteotl (Aztec) Daughter of Cronus and Rhea Mother of Persephone Intimately related to the seasons-winter is when she is grieving her daughter being in the underworld Symbols: cornucopia and wheat
APHRODITE Goddess of love and beauty Venus (Roman), Freys (Norse) Daughter of Zeus and Dione Married to Hephaestus Symbols: dolphin, rose, scallop shell, myrtle tree, dove, sparrow, girdle, mirror, swan She had lots of children
ZEUS King of the Gods, ruler of the sky Jupiter or Jove(Roman), Odin(Norse), and Ra(Egyptian) Son of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Hades and Poseidon, Demeter and Hestia Weapon was a thunderbolt Married to Hera, fathered many children in and outside of his marriage Symbols: thunderbolt, eagle, bull, oak
HADES God of Death and the underworld Pluto (Roman), Anubis (Egyptian), Hel (Norse) Married to Persephone, he kidnapped her and brought her to the underworld Son of Cronus and brother of Zeus Symbols: pitchfork, cypress
HERMES Messenger of the Gods, God of commerce, escorts people to the underworld Mercury (Roman) Son of Zeus and Maia Known for speed and for being able to move between the world of the gods and the humans, and for playing tricks Symbols: tortoise, lyre, rooster
POSEIDON God of the sea and earthquakes Son of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Zeus and Hades Neptune (Roman), Acuecucyotichuati (Aztec), Sedna (Inuit) Symbols: trident, fish, dolphin, horse, bull Married to Amphitrite Greedy and quarrelsome Created the first horse to impress Demeter
HERA Queen of the gods and marriage Wife/Sister of Zeus-turbulent marriage, he tricked her into marriage She led a failed revolt against Zeus Juno (Roman) Symbols: Pomegranate, Peacock, diadem(crown), Scepter