3B Seating Chart Front of Room DoorDoor KaitlynAllysaDanika TomMichelleAdamRJ AlexandraNoahErynHolly DylanMollyJustinShelby KellieMerikKenzieHunter WindowsWindows
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, Jan. 8 th : “A” Day Thursday, Jan. 9 th : “B” Day 2 nd semester free homework pass 2 nd semester appointment clocks 2 nd semester Chem 1 Initial Assessment Movie: “Electrostatic Attraction in Molecules” HW: finish movie worksheet (both sides) We will begin chapter 5: “Ions and Ionic Compounds” next time…
2 nd Semester Initial Assessment Just like we did for the 1 st semester, we need to measure student growth for the 2 nd semester as well. So, complete the 2 nd semester Chem 1 Initial Assessment to the best of your ability, for participation points. Think of it as a preview of the good things to come in the 2 nd semester!
Movie: “Compounds: Electromagnetic Attraction in Molecules” Complete the study questions as you watch the movie. The study questions follow in order with the movie. You will need to continue listening to the movie even after the study questions are done in order to complete the crossword puzzle on the back of the worksheet.
2A Seating Chart Front of Room DoorDoor LydiaDesiree TaylorKendraEmilyMya JordanDestinyBrookeAshley LaurenJakeRachaelJackie DrewAllieBenTabitha ColleenChrisStephanieKrits AustinPaitynConnorMegan
4A Seating Chart Front of Room DoorDoor AbbyDaleahSarahKorey EricAshleyMasonRebecca BrooklynCodyAnnaTate TroyJordanJoshMorgan
1B Seating Chart Front of Room DoorDoor KelseySydneyAndy EmilyMorgonKrystaRachel M. Rachel D.KyleAllieHunter MichaelWhitneyMasonAshley AutumnChristianAlyssaPhoenix WindowsWindows