Home of the Panthers!
Mr. Ray is our Principal Ms. Dixon is our Assistant Principal
Get to learn Are safe Treat everyone fairly Tell an adult if we are concerned or worried Get to tell our side of the story Know why we have a consequence if we get in trouble Are peaceful
We follow the rules in the classroom and in the school We tell an adult if we don’t feel safe We use kind words We take care of our books and supplies
Be the best panther you can be! Tell the truth Try your best Ask for help Listen to the speaker Use kind words Take responsibility for our actions Walk in the school KHAFOOTY! Keep hands and feet and other objects to yourself
How should we act in the auditorium? Clap! Sit quietly and in our seats Use our listening ears Wait to be called on before you talk or ask a question Use kind words KHAFOOTY!
How should we act in the hallway? KHAFOOTY Follow the leader Shhhh… Why are we quiet in the hallway?
Talk nicely with your friends Use your manners Stay in your seat until your row is called to line up Clean up after yourself Eat your own food KHAFOOTY!
How do we help to keep the restroom clean? Do your business Wash your hands Use the trash kind Don’t forget to flush! KHAFOOTY!
Who is ready to go to school?
Navy blue dress pants or skirts Baby blue or dark blue polo shirts
Please keep your toys at home. If you have a phone with you, keep it in the office for the day and pick it up before you leave.
What do friends do? What don’t friends do? No Bullying! ◦ What does that mean? We are safe at Palmer. We keep our friends safe. We use kind words.
Use computers for learning!
Do we jump around on the bus? Do we yell on the bus? Do we hurt our friends on the bus? Sit in your seat Talk nicely to your friends Keep your hands in the bus, not out the window
Sometimes we practice being safe in case there is an emergency. Do what your teacher says Stay quiet Follow the leader in your line Stay with your class Don’t worry! We will keep you safe!
I am a proud Palmer Panther. I believe in myself and our community. My mind is open and I am ready to learn. I will fulfill my potential. I am determined. I will never give up. I will respect all the cultures that make Palmer Beautiful. I am a proud Palmer Panther.
Let’s learn a lot this year! Make smart choices and you’ll have an awesome year! Go, Palmer Panthers!