An Overview of eLearning
What is eLearning blended stand-alone electronically delivered electronically delivered interactive digital web-based
Advantages of eLearning social collaborative learning social collaborative learning customizable multimediality learner-centred up-to-date content up-to-date content accessibility usability accessibility usability easy distribution easy distribution cost-effective C E A U L M C S
Components of eLearning Management of content Management of content Delivery of content Delivery of content Development of content Development of content Standardization of content Standardization of content D M D S
Components of eLearning Development of content Let's create content reusable stand-alone granular interactive digital web-based digital web-based Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) That: interactive, digital web based, stand alone, reusable and granular
Components of eLearning Management of content Let's make content available Components of eLearning portals digital library repositories LMS VLE e.g. Blackboard or Moodle invaluable aid not only to deliver but also to track learners achievements and facilitate social learning
Delivery of content Let's communicate content Components of eLearning Synchronous: real-time communication, all learners receive content simultaneously; (e.g. Connect, Breeze, Elluminate, Wimba Live Classroom, chats) Asynchronous: learners are responsible for pacing their own self-instruction and learning; (e.g. s, blogs, wikis, Web 2.0, Blackboard VLE) S A
Standards are crucial as they promote: SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model); Standardization of content Let's share and reuse content Components of eLearning Compatibility Usability Interoperability C U I
Attitudes possibilities for human interaction Attitudes possibilities for human interaction Knowledge convergence 'just-in-time' & 'just-for-you' Knowledge convergence 'just-in-time' & 'just-for-you' E-Learning Skills virtual reality simulations Skills virtual reality simulations
P2P reviews P2P reviews virtual education virtual education online groups online groups simulations (Second Life) simulations (Second Life) problem-based learning problem-based learning ePortfolios role-play case-based online discussions case-based online discussions E-Learning
smartphones laptops PDAs (e.g. iPhone, iPad, iPod, Kindle) smartphones laptops PDAs (e.g. iPhone, iPad, iPod, Kindle) 'just-in-time' & 'just-for-you' 'just-in-time' & 'just-for-you' E-Learning
Conclusion learner-centred; accessibility/usability; teachers as facilitators; adaptive learning; social and collaborative learning; reflective learning; virtual learning; mobile learning; self-assessment; formative assessment; sustainable development. Ideal Developing of eLearning engaging with people through technology