S&F Art Supplies By: Sierra Frank Owner/CEO
What is S&F Art Supplies? S&F Art Supplies is a new art supplies store that is located in Grand Rapids, MI. At S&F Art supplies we sell a wide range of art supplies; everything from paint brushes, to clay and canvases. We also take in donated art items such as paintings, and drawings and auction them off for big money. We also include painting classes that are very fun, hands on, and are for all ages. I hope that you enjoy S&F Art Supplies and I would love to do business with you.
Message From Me... I am hoping that my business will grow really fast and that people will be happy and satisfied with the products that we sell and what we do. I really believe that S&F Art Supplies has a good chance of changing how kids and adults think art is. I really hope that people will come to visit us and see how great our business is... ~Sierra Frank Owner
Some Art Products...
Business Information... Website: Location: Grand Rapids, MI 12345, Leonard Road Contact Information: Sierra Frank Owner/CEO (313)
Business Hours Please notice that there may be a change in hours due to holidays. Hope you can make it here!!!
Drawing Lessons!!! For All Ages... We are going to start an art class!!! 1 Hour: $ Hours: $30 These classes will only be held on Mondays!! Week Pack: $50 Monthly: $80 These classes will be held on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. :)
Fun Activities... :) Every week we are going to be holding a fun art day.These days will consist of pottery, painting and tie dying. These days are free for everyone...parents are allowed to take part also. All you need to bring to fun art days is a packed lunch... Hours for this will be from 10am to 2pm, and will take place at the art studio on every Wednesday.