Balasubramanian Sriram Microsoft Corporation
Need for Integration −Business Requirements, Drivers and Situational Analysis Deconstructing Integration −Types of Integration projects −Implementations in Real World Understanding Microsoft Integration Platform Futures Conclusion and Call to action Q & A? Presentation Flow
Challenges Facing Businesses
Shifting Business Priorities & the “Clock Speed” of Business Change…
IT Evolution leaves organizations with multiple computing models
Today's IT Landscape: Complexity Spaghetti INVENTORYCRMOPERATIONS ERPFINANCE
Is there a Diet for all this Spaghetti?
Integration at Different Layers
Business Integration & Automation Projects Getting independently designed applications and components to interoperate
Application Connectivity Transparent Information Synchronization
Increases supply-chain efficiency and improves business agility Speeds deployment with virtualization Improves productivity of multiple teams Extends investments with scalable platform Used Microsoft ® BizTalk ® Server to improve supply-chain management Deployed BizTalk Server 2009 and Hyper-V ™ to virtualize and connect multiple applications The Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft lacked real- time visibility into its supply chain Wanted to connect existing line-of-business applications with manufacturers’ systems Microsoft division connects systems and virtualizes servers to improve productivity “By implementing BizTalk Server 2009 and earlier versions, we’ve moved to a much more event-driven, real-time business. Now we can respond faster and change policies that affect business processes.” Alex West, Technology Architect, Microsoft
Process Integration – B2C / B2E Externalize Customization – Agile Processes
Faster Processing – time is decreased by 70% System Reliability – to handle 1 Million transaction/day with capabilities to handle more 10 Million transaction/day Productivity is Improved – reduction in development, deployment and management efforts BizTalk Server: Orchestrates 17 systems and provides the messaging infrastructure SQL Server: Reliably stores all customer data and system messages IIS: Manages the Internet bank’s Web site WCF: Common communication layer between the Web site and BizTalk Server Skandia uses 17systems to support its online banking and insurance services. These include products from Microsoft, Progress Software, and IBM. A key requirement for the company is the need to consolidate data from all customer accounts—fast. Online Banking and Insurance Provider Dramatically Enhances Web Performance “Skandia is a global organization. It is imperative that the solution can be quickly and easily deployed in other divisions of the company, providing high value with as little additional cost as possible.” Robert Ekblom, Chief IT Architect at Skandia
Process Integration – B2B
Lower costs More reliable SWIFT payments Improved reporting for customers Better MiFID services for execution KAS Bank wanted to improve service and straight through processing levels for its customers while reducing costs and operational risk. Top 100 SWIFT User Streamlines Operations and Reduces Operational Risk with Migration “The proof of concept showed that Microsoft came out best on both performance and cost. Furthermore, we were keen to take advantage of the benefits of a standardised environment.” Pim Van der Horst, Chief Information Officer, KAS Bank After evaluating a number of products, KAS Bank opted to replace its mainframe environment with Microsoft ®.NET. It also chose to deploy Microsoft BizTalk ® Accelerator for SWIFT.
User Interactions Unified View – Agility on the Edge
Simple SAP Integration Flexible, Scalable Architecture Rapid Deployment with SOA Path Toward the Future UNESCO developed a flexible portal environment using Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007, Microsoft BizTalk® Server 2006, to respond quickly to enterprise needs while constructing a more controlled IT system UNESCO wanted to progressively homogenize its IT environment, implement global standards, and create a global application interface while integrating its existing systems and applications. UN Agency Retools IT System Quickly and Efficiently with Web Portal Environment “Thanks to SharePoint Server and BizTalk Server, we can completely restructure our computer systems while still responding to the pressing needs of different management functions at UNESCO.” Gyula Bognar, Chief of IT Operations, UNESCO
Microsoft Integration Platform
Who uses BizTalk Server? 10,000+ Global Customers benefit from using BizTalk Server 23 of 27 EU governments use BizTalk Server to provide government services 81 % of the Global 100 are running BizTalk Server % 6 6 of the 8 largest U.S. Pharmaceutical Companies use Microsoft BizTalk Server 4 4 of the 5 largest U.S. Electronics Parts Manufacturers use Microsoft BizTalk Server 9 of 10 largest U.S. Telecommunications Companies use BizTalk Server 9 of 10 9 of the 10 largest Aerospace and Defense Companies in the U.S. run BizTalk Server 9 of 10 5 of the 8 largest U.S. Chemical Companies run Microsoft BizTalk Server of the 5 largest Railroads in the U.S. run Microsoft BizTalk Server 9 of the 10 largest Insurance Companies in the World run Microsoft BizTalk Server 9
Platform Support Visual Studio 2010 Windows Server 2008 R2 SQL Server 2008 R2 Productivity Improvements Single dashboard to apply and manage performance parameters Out-of-the-box support for Event Filtering and Delivery (RFID) PowerShell access to management tasks New SCOM object model to better reflect BizTalk artifacts B2B Scenarios Made Easy Mapper enhancements to make complex mapping easier to create and maintain FTPS to provide secure transactions between businesses Updated B2B accelerators for latest protocol versions
Call to Action
© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.