IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE IN RADIOTHERAPY Part 0: Introduction IAEA Training Course
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy2 Part 1: Review of International Basic Safety Standards BSS Principal Requirements BSS Appendix II: Detailed Requirements for Medical Exposures (with an emphasis on accidental medical exposures) Main components
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy3 Main components Part 2: Case studies of major accidental exposures in radiotherapy Nine major case studies – descriptions of events, discovery of problems, consequences and lessons to learn Discussion on some newer case studies ( )
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy4 Main components Part 3: Analysis of causes and contributing factors Analysis of a collection of other incidents and accidental exposures The role of “near misses” Are there recurring themes or patterns in the “lessons learned”?
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy5 Main components Part 4: Clinical consequences of accidental exposures in radiotherapy Over- and under-exposure in radiotherapy Clinical detection of accidental exposures Management of patients affected by accidental exposures
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy6 Main components Part 5: Reporting, investigating and preventing accidental exposures What can be done to prevent accidental exposures in radiotherapy? Reporting errors and lessons to learn Systematic and prospective risk assessments
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy7 Main components Part 6: Case studies of major accidents with abandoned radiotherapy sources Four major case studies – descriptions of events, discovery of problems, consequences and lessons to learn
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy8 Main components Part 7: Country reports Participants' presentations of the situation in their respective countries relevant to the subject of the workshop Approximately 10 minutes per country
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy9 Main components Part 8: Group exercises Form a number of small groups and discuss specific questions in relation to preceding lectures (45 minutes) This workshop aims to be very interactive!
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy10 Main components Part 9: Full group reviews Discussion of the full group at the end of each day. One person in each of the small groups presents a summary of the points from group exercise in front of full group. What were the main points of knowledge acquired during the day?
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy11 Main components Part 10: Practical session Several cases of errors that might happen in your clinic Find the errors and suggest what to do about them
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy12 Multiple choice questions MCQ Multiple Choice Questions To verify understanding of subject, towards the end of the week
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy13 References All the main references are on the internet File format: Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) Icon (below) indicates that a reference is linked to the IAEA website (
IAEA Prevention of accidental exposure in radiotherapy14 Note to lecturer: Insert the actual time table for the week here! Time table