The sun The sun’s core is about degrees. The sun has even dark spots on the surface !
Our Solar System Nine planets circle around our sun.
Inner Planets The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
VENUS Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. It has a very thick atmosphere which contains CO2 (carbon dioxide). It is 2 nd from the sun.
Earth Earth contains an atmosphere with microbes. It is 3 rd from the sun. It has satellites orbiting with earth. It contains O2 (oxygen) and H2O (water).
Satellites Satellites orbit earth. It contains electricity. They are charged by the sun because they have solar panels.
Outer Planets The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The inner planets are separated from the outer planets by the asteroid belt.
Asteroid belt The Asteroid belt contains rocks which goes between Mars and Jupiter. They make comets.
Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. It is 5 th from the sun. It has bands and “ The Red spot.
Saturn Saturn has a ring made of ice and it is the most beautiful planet in the solar system. It is 6 th from the sun.
Uranus Uranus has a ring made of dust. It is 7 th from the sun.
Neptune Neptune has a ring made of dust and is the 8 th from the sun.
Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet and is 9 th from the sun. There is no life on it. A rocket can not go there because of the Asteroid Belt which damages the space-ship.
The Future If you want to live on Mars Rovers will be controlled from earth.
Lunching Space Shuttles Europe’s main launchers are Ariane rockets. Ariane 5 is 59 metres high and weighs 777 tones fully fuelled.
Sputnik 1 Sputnik 1 was 1 st launched to orbit Earth.
Volcanoes Volcanoes are on Mars and even on some moons.
Stories Stories mentions aliens and other spooky things.
Galaxy The galaxy is families of planets.
Moon The moon orbits Earth. It is grey with craters.
Stars Stars are made of gas. They explode and become new.
Black Holes contain so much gravity that it can suck and kill you. Black Hole