Nick Hutcheson Solar System
-The sun is the center of our solar system. All of the planets move around the sun. -The sun is actually just a star. -The core of the sun is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. -The sun is 333,000 times heavier than earth. Sun
-Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. -Temperatures on Mercury's surface can reach 800 degrees Fahrenheit. -Mercury has no atmosphere. -The surface looks like the moon because it is hit by asteroids often. Mercury
-Venus is the second closest to the sun. -Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. -It is sometimes called the Morning Star. -90% of Venus’s surface is made up of volcanoes. Venus
-Earth is the only planet known to contain life. -75% of earth is covered with water. Most of that is salt water. -Earth takes 365 days to travel all the way around the sun. That is how we get our seasons. Earth
-Mars is similar to earth, but contains no life. -However, it is believed that there are ice caps on this planet, which means the possibility of some sort of life is likely. -Mars has 2 moons. Mars
-Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. -Jupiter has a “Great Red Spot” which is large enough to fit 2 earths in it. -The Great Red Spot is an area of high pressure and the clouds rotation causes this spot. Jupiter
-Saturn has 31 moons. -Saturn has a set of rings around it. -The rings are made up of “space junk”. Rocks, debris, dust, and ice particles make up these rings. Saturn
-Uranus is 7 th on the list from the sun. -Takes 84 years to orbit the sun. -Uranus has 16 moons. -Its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, methane. Uranus
-The diameter Neptune is 4 times the size of the earth’s diameter. -Neptune has 8 moons. -Neptune is 30 times as far from the sun as the earth is. Neptune