TODAY’S GOALS Understand the analysis and evaluation processes Analyze podcasts as a genre Practice creating criteria for evaluation
EVALUATIVE WRITING Stages: 1. Analyze the selected genre 2. Develop/consider criteria for success in that genre 3. Show how a subject is a success (or not)
CLASS DISCUSSION- THE PODCAST GENRE What is a podcast? How is a podcast different from a radio broadcast or an informative video? Where does the word podcast come from?
THE PODCAST GENRE Definitions: 1. Noun a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. 2. Verb make (a digital audio file) available as a podcast. Origin: blend of “broadcast” and “ipod.” Created between
GROUP ACTIVITY- PODCAST ANALYSIS In your unit 2 groups Listen to the sample podcast walking tour and answer the following questions 1.How would you break down and describe the types of content in the walking tour. Example: history, introductions, transitions, engaging information, etc. 2.How does the podcast transition between different places within the location? 3.What sounds are included in the podcast aside from Rick Steve’s voice? 4.How does the podcast guide listeners through the area despite not having a visual component?
SELECTING A PODCAST WALKING TOUR There are many free podcast walking tours available on the web. However, certain locations may only have walking tours available on iTunes or the Google Play Store Your selected podcast should be at least 10 minutes long to ensure you have enough information for analysis You are encouraged to research a place you have never visited before Keep track of the source from which you acquire the podcast; you will need it for a citation on your Works Cited page
GROUP ACTIVITY- IDENTIFYING CRITERIA In your unit 2 groups Do exercise 10.1 and 10.2 on p. 287 Try to generate a maximum of 4 criteria for evaluation for each question
HOMEWORK Blog entry 8 Focus: WTE Place Brainstorm Now that you have become familiar with the WTE essay and the podcast genre, begin thinking about possible places you would be interested in learning more about through a podcast walking tour. What places have you travelled to? What places would you still like to visit? What kind of location would you be most interested in: a museum, a historical landmark, an art gallery, the district of a city, or something else entirely? What do you expect to learn about this place?