CoAX – Coalition Agents eXperiment AIAI, BBN, CMU, Dartmouth, DSTO, GITI, Lockheed Martin ATL, NRL, Potomac Inst., U.Maryland, U.Michigan, QinetiQ, UT-Austin, UWF/IHMC Support from AFRL, ARL, Boeing, DRDC, DSTL, ISX, MITRE, MIT Sloan, NWDC, OBJS, Schafer, Stanford, TTCP, USC/ISI, USPACOM DARPA
CoAX/Briefing - 2 Context u Increasing military requirements for coalition operations u Belief that agent computational model can support: u Coalition interoperability requirements u Dynamic and Decentralized C3I u International Agent Research Programmes u US DARPA Control of Agent Based Systems (CoABS) u UK DSTL/QinetiQ Agents Project u Australian and Canadian Agents and Coalition Work u TTCP C3I Groups for international involvement u Need for “middleware” such as is provided by CoABS Grid Infrastructure
CoAX/Briefing - 3 Aim of Coalition TIE u To address unique aspects of coalition operations through the development and evaluation of: u agent domain management services u agent task, process and event management services u Specific agent services u Aim will be met through delivery of: u Phased technical demonstrations of increasing complexity u Integration of diverse agent systems u Development of generic Coalition-oriented grid services u Requirements: u Use of a wide variety of different agent systems u Use of existing military (non-agent) applications
CoAX/Briefing - 4 Demonstration Schedule u u 1-month demo at kick-off in February 2000 showing direct connection between DERA MBP and LM ATL AODB u u 6-month integration milestone in July 2000 showing initial integration of selected CoAX components for year 2000 demo u u CoAX Binni 2000 demo in Fall 2000: u u Briefing the CoAX TIE and Binni scenario u u Showing full integration of selected CoAX components in Binni u u Telling a relevant “story” about agents for information gathering u u CoAX Binni 2001 demo in Fall 2001: u u Fully integrating all CoAX components in a rich coalition scenario u u Expanding scope to cover dynamic re-planning u u CoAX Binni 2002 demo in Fall 2002: u u Showing dynamic aspects of coalition organization, domain management, tasking and event handling u u Expanding scope to cover dynamic planning, coordination and execution.
Geography / Borders LAYERS: Return Water Transport Names Setting Lat / Long Lat / Long ALL
W E N S Geography Binni - All Features LAYERS: Return Cape Vincent Cape Amstado Caca Kaso Lagoon Amisa Jacal Pra Ankobra Tana Ofin Afram Daka Black Caca Kapowa White Caca Mawli LAKE CACA Water Transport Names Setting Lat / Long Lat / Long KEY Tarmac roads 175 Heights (metres)Railways Brongo PortsCivilian AirfieldsTracks BANDARPopulation centresMilitary airfieldsGravel roads 31E 36E 35E 34E 33E 32E 39E 38E 37E 36E 35E 34E 33E 32E 31E 39E 38E 37E 17N 16N 15N 20N 19N 18N 17N 16N 15N 19N 18N 21N
CoAX/Briefing - 7 Future Plans u Increasing the ability to work quickly and effectively in non- episodic cases (e.g., incremental coalition formation) u Distributing MCA services across multiple agents to improve reliability and scalability u Design and analyze extensions for efficiently discovering and exploiting synergistic interactions u Experiment on increasingly difficult (Coalition) scenarios u Transition: CoAX, STRATCOM?, NASA-JPL
CoAX/Briefing - 8 CoAX Binni 2002 Demonstration u u Dynamic “come as you are” coalition formation u u Dynamic creation of ‘virtual coalition organization’ u u Agents and domains added to coalition structure ‘on-the-fly’ u u Dynamic coalition tasks and processes u u Tailored visualizations / interface agents u u Tools to improve human / software agent interaction u u High-level tools usable without specialized training u u Packaged generic Grid services: u u Domain management and DAML-based policy analysis u u Task, process, and event management u u Involvement of more countries and organizations u u USA – BBN – Mixed initiative agents & dynamic information flow u u USA – CMU – Agent Organization and Interaction Visualization u u USA – NRL, UMD, UTexas – Agent Services and Data Visualizations u u Australia – DSTO – Logistics planning and information analysis
CoAX/Briefing - 9 CoAX Transition Program CoAX Binni CoAX Air CoAX Navy? (FBE-J, FBE-K, PC’05) CoAX International? CoAX Rescue? (Civilian)
CoAX/Briefing - 10 Further Details u u Materials for this briefing are at:
DARPA Object Services and Consulting, Inc.