Watch out for this… Thursday, October 22 nd you will not need to come to class at 1:20 Please complete the IRIS module and video reviews assigned and bring those to class on Tuesday, Oct. 27 th. Are you going to the Math/Science Teacher Conference on Monday, Oct. 26 th ? We are leaving at 5:25 am from the front of EA to get to Casper. Let Dr. Burrows know if you can go! Bring your microteach student work samples to class on Tues. Oct. 27th! Your Scientific Research Poster is due Thurs. Oct. 29 th The poster template is under resources on LiveText’s poster assignment
Teaching Reminders #1 – Rubric 1: Plan for instruction where students learn science concepts, use investigation/inquiry, construct/evaluate evidence-based explanations – Rubric 2: Use AAAS misconceptions site to identify preconceptions/misconceptions and ways to support students through those – Rubric 3: Justify learning tasks using students’ prior academic learning, personal/cultural/community assets, and support ideas with principles from research and theory (use names and citation!) – Rubric 4: Use language supports of vocabulary and function and syntax or discourse – Rubric 5: Plan assessments with multiple forms of evidence to show student progress with science concepts, phenomenon, scientific practices, and students with specific needs (more or less support) can demonstrate their learning
Teaching Reminders #2 – Rubric 6: Demonstrate rapport/respect for students and provide opportunities for them to express different perspectives – Rubric 7: Support students in constructing evidence-based explanations, explain how evidence supports explanations/predictions and connect it to real-world/personal learning – Rubric 8: Build on student ideas about science concepts, scientific practices, and phenomenon, while promoting student interactions about data collection, procedures, interpretations, and evidence-based explanations – Rubric 9: Facilitate students to present/record evidence in tables, maps, diagrams, etc… and promote data analysis discussion where students find patterns or inconsistencies while considering limitations of the evidence, methods, analysis? – Rubric 10: Analyze your teaching by proposing changes (more than time!) that show individual and group learning needs while justifying changes with principles of research and theory (names and citations)
Class Oct. 22 nd Do not come to EA 308 on Thurs., Oct. 22 nd ; Bring write-ups Tues. Oct. 27 th Watch at least one of the IRIS modules below for class: – 1. Universal Design for Learning: – 2. Classroom Assessment (Part 1): – 3. Effective School Practices: – 4. Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors (Part 1): Write a half to one page reflection regarding these elements of the module: – Challenge, Thoughts, Perspectives/Resources, Assessment, & Wrap-Up – 1.5 line-spaced, 1 in margin, 12 pt font, Times New Roman Watch the 2 peer videos assigned to you and bring the write-ups back to class on Tues. Oct. 27 th as well as filling out the YouDemo online assessment!
Reading Check – Science Instruction In groups of 2 (or 3) – discuss and then answer the questions below (50 pts) Submit your answers [they might be different than your partner(s)]to LiveText before Thursday, Oct. 22 nd at 1 pm (next class). Your answers should not be longer than a paper with 3 typed pages …1.5 line-spaced, 1 in margin, 12 pt font, Times New Roman …you can use visuals (charts, etc…) for a 4 th page (optional) I want to see your reflection on the material that you read, so please do not “copy/paste” the terminology from the book, however, reference where in the book you read what you are reflecting on and about as you write your answers. Question 1 = What do you need to know to get into science teaching? Question 2 = What are the foundations for teaching science? Question 3 = What are the strategies for teaching science? Question 4 = Why are knowing the answers to 1, 2, and 3 important? Question 5 = How will you use information from the book to inform your teaching?