SCCC Engages a title III project Mid-year review Year 4 4/16/14
Virtual Learning Commons a new look: Luminis 5 highlighting: *24 hour online help with courses
Virtual Learning Commons a new look: Luminis 5 *walk-in help at Centers
Eliminates “join group” system crashes Improves page revisions ad-hoc reporting uploading & staging rating system faculty accessibility Virtual Learning Commons the new design
Uploaded Culinary Arts Pre-Calculus II Anticipated in May 2014 Composition Criminal Justice Pre-Calculus I Western Civ II Virtual Learning Commons the new tutorial suites
Virtual Learning Commons the new writing centers Ammerman Campus (existing)Eastern Campus (added fall 2012) Grant Campus (added fall 2012) Tri-campus unit review after only 3 semesters in operation, a College-wide unit review was completed for the writing centers in April 2014 Grant Campus cohort studied first time, full time students writing center visitors had a 91% fall to spring persistence rate (82% for non-visitors)
VLC & the Learning Objects Faculty Impressions VLC & the Learning Objects Faculty Impressions VLC & the Learning Objects VLC & the Learning Objects
at SCCC 10/17/13 Office of Professional Development “Using the Virtual Learning Commons to enhance achievement on Objective 4 for MAT 103” 10/19/13 Teaching of Writing Festival: “Developmental Writing Roundtable Best Practices” 3/1/14 Developmental Studies Committee Annual Workshop “Improving Teaching and Learning in Developmental Education: how the VLC is used for English” Externally10/24-10/26/13 Community College Humanities Association National Conference “A Title III Grant at Work: Decoding the Myths of Online Virtual Commons” 4/26/14 TIME III Conference: “Connecting the Dots: Ways to Enhance a Non-Calculus Based Introductory Statistics Course” Learning Object Pedagogy sharing best practices Learning Object Pedagogy sharing best practices
Faculty Advising on the rise college-wide in fall visits & 1939 visitors Eastern Campus Michael J. Grant CampusAmmerman Campus
Faculty Advising impact on the rise Grant Campus ft/ft student AAMC visitors had a 94% fall to spring persistence rate for (non-visitors = 81%)
Faculty Advising best practices on the rise short-guide downloadable from the VLC now for full-timers and adjuncts College-wide distribution in AAMC and OPD advising workshops workshop modules online in the VLC delivered to faculty by faculty sponsored by the Office of PD
Faculty Advising unified Tri-campus AAMC webpage with resources for students Tri-campus AAMC Facebook page
SCCC adopts the AAMCs Tri-campus signage highlights all 6 advising areas College Facebook re- posts for more page views
Mid-Term Academic Alert Mid-Term Academic Alert Pilot in fall 2013
Mid-Term Academic Alert Assessment In Dec 2013
Mid-Term Academic Alert Mid-Term Academic Alert Redesigned pilot in progress
1. Enrollment & Admissions SARS advising centers SARS learning centers 2. Faculty Advising College-wide (CFAC) Spring 2013 Grant Campus (GCFAC) Spring 2013 Ammerman Campus (ACFAC) Eastern Campus (ECFAC) 3. Virtual Learning Commons VLC Team VLC Committee Gateway Team VLC Committee Institutionalization into the College Community
Resources Advising Enrollment Engaged Student Learning