ERWC: College Prep Course
Reading Response Expectations 1.Author & Title of Assigned Reading 2.Multi-paragraph format -3 paragraphs work fine for short response -4 paragraphs work well for longer reading 3.Use a quote from the reading 4.Try to always tie in a good concluding sentence that ties significance of reading to real-world 5.Avoid “I believe”, “I think” -personal examples are fine
Students Rights 1.Safe Classroom 2.College Prep Curriculum 3.Rules Clearly Defined 4.Consistent Rule Adherence 5.Grading Policy Clearly Defined
Reading Responses & Class work **Completion primary grading component so far College Level Grading Requirements 1.Spelling, Neatness, & Grammar 2.Complete Sentences & Critical Thinking
Make-up Policy 1. Calendar of Assignments assignments posted online 2. Due 24 hours after missed period on-site exception (if student is on campus or out on a fieldtrip, student must get missed class work before absence & turn in work upon return.)
Participation Grades: *10% of grade: six weeks left in semester:120 points points per week- Notebooks -Notebook checks Fridays only having all notes & unit plan materials points per week- Participation -Class Participation & Preparedness notebooks out, pens, paper, effective contributions staying on task-working on ERWC class work -Bathroom / Tardy subtractions -Cell phone / iPod / Calculator subtractions no warnings