College Related Assaults Roxana Manii Professor Julia Kaziewicz University 111
Statistics of assaults on college campuses(1990). 1 in 4 women in college will be sexually assaulted in an academic year(“Sexual assault”). “There are 35.3 incidents of sexual assault per 1,000 female students on a campus as recorded over a 6.91 month period ” (“Sexual assault”).
My Claim Colleges and Universities are responsible for ensuring that students feel safe on campus
How do we make this happen? Colleges should report to and work closely with a specialized police force. VCU Police. Cases for sexual assaults should be reviewed and determined by the police rather than school administration. The Dean of a school should not be the one to determine whether a case for sexual assault should be pursued or not. Colleges should provide an easy and reliable source of communication between students and police. Emergency police number, non emergency police number, VCU Police twitter, RamSafe escort service, text a tip.
Why do we need this? matthew-be-linked-other-cases matthew-be-linked-other-cases If all colleges had a specialized police force that was obligated to transfer all school and legal records to other schools, then repeated offenders such as Jesse Matthew would be kept on the radar, creating a safe environment.
Citations "Jesse Matthew Linked to 5th Alleged Crime." Web. 17 Nov "Sexual Assault and College Campuses - Statistics." Statistics about Sexual Assault. Web. 17 Nov
Citations "Jesse Matthew Linked to 5th Alleged Crime." Web. 17 Nov "Sexual Assault and College Campuses - Statistics." Statistics about Sexual Assault. Web. 17 Nov