Humanitarian Architecture Review Is the current coordination structure relevant and effective to ensure humanitarian needs are being met in a timely and.


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Presentation transcript:

Humanitarian Architecture Review Is the current coordination structure relevant and effective to ensure humanitarian needs are being met in a timely and predictable manner Afghanistan April – July 2015

1. Review Coordination Requirements i. Changes in humanitarian needs? ii. Changes in humanitarian context since previous review/ since clusters activated? iii.Changes in terms of National coordination capacity? Methods of data collection:  OCHA desk review of previous Humanitarian Action Plans (2009, 2013, 2014, 2015)  Cluster position papers summarizing primary functions &continued requirements in context of a protracted crisis;  Review of sub-national cluster, PMT / IDP Task Force & PDMC, OCT, HRT meeting minutes;  Stakeholder survey and key informant interviews (including NGO survey)  Cluster & Gov. counterpart review paper

2. Cluster Review Recommendations Key Questions:Method of data collection: Based on the analysis of humanitarian needs and context, and the cluster assessment of national coordination capacity does the cluster propose … a.The current cluster structure should remain as is; b.The current cluster structure needs strengthening or expanding; c.The cluster could be streamlined or merged with other mechanisms; d.That transition is feasible; e.That de-activation criteria has been met;  Cluster position paper & presentations to Humanitarian Country Team.

3. Cluster Functionality & Performance… Are clusters operationally effective delivering against core functions? Key Questions: 1.Is cluster resourcing impacting functionality? 2.Does a review of cluster-specific documentation suggest continuing relevance, use and efficiency? 3.Is the cluster fulfilling its core functions? Method of data collection: Cluster gap analysis presentations and report to HCT; Review of cluster meeting frequency & attendance, specific documentation (key deliverables) Results of the 2014 & 2015 Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) exercises. Stakeholder consultation (next slide)

3. …Stakeholder Consultation Consultation with key stakeholders to provide an understanding of the different perceptions and requirements of the broader coordination architecture in country (to include HCT and ICCT, sub-national coordination through OCTs and HRTs, the cluster system and strategic and technical cross cluster working groups). Key Questions:Method of data collection: 1.Changes in Humanitarian context & coordination requirements; 2.National coordination capacity; 3.Cluster performance.  Stakeholder survey and key informant interviews Cluster Lead Agencies and UN agencies; Cluster Coordinators; Donor representatives* Global Clusters; Government partners; NGO partners (local, national and international) & NGO fora (ACBAR )