U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Program 2006 Update Jeffrey F. Paniati Associate Administrator for Operations Acting.


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Program 2006 Update Jeffrey F. Paniati Associate Administrator for Operations Acting ITS Program Manager Federal Highway Administration US Department of Transportation TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD 85 TH ANNUAL MEETING Session 365: State of ITS Industry Washington, DC January 23, 2006

2 ITS Research and Development ( ) Program reauthorized and expanded. $550 million over 5 years – Road weather - $20 million (5308) – I-95 Corridor - $35 million (5211) – Rural and Interstate Corridor Communications Study – $3 million (5507) New advisory committee required. New 5-year program plan required. Work underway to establish advisory committee. Program plan to be completed by August.

3 ITS Deployment Funding Mainstreamed throughout Federal-aid program; including high priority projects. Eligible under NHS, STP, and CMAQ. Operational and management strategies must be included in metropolitan transportation plans. Categorical NEPA exclusion. ITS Deployment funds in 2005 only. $100 million, over 4 years, for CVISN deployment.

4 Real-Time Systems Management Information Program (1201) – Establish capability in all States to provide real time: Sharing of information Monitoring of traffic conditions – Purpose – ease congestion, improve response to severe weather, accidents, and other incidents; and enhanced security. – Eligible for funding under NHS, STP, and CMAQ. – Must be part of regional ITS architectures. – DOT to establish data exchange standards within 2 years. Initial program announcement to be issued for comment early February.

5 Transportation Technology Innovative Demonstration Program (5508) Two-part extension and expansion of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program established by TEA-21. $2 million per city available to support deployment of traffic monitoring infrastructure and commercialization of data. Twenty-two new cities + thirteen original cities that have not received prior funding are eligible. Part I: Existing contract with Mobility Technologies will be completed as planned (11 additional cities). Part II: Create and complete new program to use any unobligated and any new appropriated funds. Federal Register solicitation on interest issued on October 19, closes on February 6.

6 Pricing Hot lanes mainstreamed (1121) Continues Value Pricing Program (1604(a)) – $59 million in new funding, including $12 million for projects not involving tolls. New Express Lanes Demonstration Projects (1604(b)) – Allows tolling of new or existing lanes to reduce congestion and/or improve air quality. – 15 projects, no separate funds. – DOT to establish interoperability requirement for automatic toll collection. Office of Operations designated as lead contact for all pricing/toll programs. Federal Register notices on pricing programs issued on January 6. NPRM on ETC interoperability to be issued by June.

7 Major Initiatives Integrated Vehicle- Based Safety Systems CooperativeIntersection Collision Avoidance Systems Next Generation 911 Safety Integrated Corridor Management Systems Mobility Services for All Americans ClarusEmergencyTransportationOperations Mobility Universal Electronic Freight Manifest Global Connectivity Crosscutting: Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

8 Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems (IVBSS) Goal: Accelerate introduction of integrated vehicle-based safety systems into the U.S. vehicle fleet. Approach -Develop performance specifications and test procedures for integrated systems that includes rear-end, lane change, and run-off-road crash avoidance. Status –Completed development and testing of stand-alone systems as part of IVI Program. –Extensive stateholder engagement to scope program. –Cooperative Agreement to develop and field test an integrated system awarded to UMTRI. –Completed crash analysis and development of test scenarios (Volpe). Plans for 2006 –Conduct IVBSS Public Meeting. (April) –Complete initial draft of objective test procedures. –Conduct technical interchange meetings on the following:  Human factors and DVI development work  Development of objective test procedures  Independent evaluation requirements.

9 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS) Goal: Advance deployment of intersection collision avoidance systems at the most hazardous signalized intersections Approach -Develop and test intersection violation warning system. Conduct research on gap- assist systems. Status –Working with CAMP to reach consensus on and to develop stop sign and signal violation warning task. –Negotiating tasks with MN and CA DOT’s for gap stop sign assist and gap left turn assist respectively. –Developing a cost benefits analysis tool to give better estimates relating to CICAS value and potential for deployment. Plans for 2006 –Award task to CAMP for signal and stop sign violation. –Award independent evaluation task (Volpe) and complete independent evaluation plan for FOT. –Award tasks to MN and CA for gap-assist work. –Develop initial version of cost benefit tool.

10 Next Generation 911 (NG911) Goal: Improve ability to receive (or send) emergency notification from public. Approach -Design a 911 system that enables the transmission of voice, data or video from different types of communication devices to appropriate public authorities. Status –Coordinated effort with NEMA and FCC. –Completed preliminary stakeholder outreach with public safety and telecommunications communities. –Completed initial systems engineering analysis including the Concept of Operations (CONOPS). Plans for 2006 –Conduct stakeholder forums with specific stakeholders. –Award and initiate NG911 system design and the proof of concept demonstration.

11 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Goal: Improve mobility and reduce congestion in major urban corridors. Approach –Provide the institutional guidance, operational capabilities, and ITS technical methods needed for effective ICM Systems. Status –Fundamental research complete. –Developing a Generic Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for release in February –Completing a Planning and Implementation Guide to assist in analyzing and implementing ICM strategies for a given corridor. Plans for 2006 –Award up to 8 cooperative agreements to develop local concept of operations and system requirements. –Begin development of additional analysis, modeling and simulation tools. –Modify existing tools to do “Corridor” analysis and measure benefits for the operational strategies. –Identify common performance measures and data accuracy requirements.

12 Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) Goal: Improve mobility and accessibility for all, including the transportation disadvantaged. Approach –Use ITS transit technologies to integrate transportation services among health and human service providers and with public transit. Status –Completed foundation research to guide human service transportation model demonstration. –Completed a generic concept of operations. Issuing solicitation seeking local communities to plan and design scalable and replicable models of coordinated human service transportation systems (February 2006). –Developed tools to asist communities to measure success in service coordination, in partnership with the United We Ride initiative. Plans for 2006 –Select up to 10 local communities to launch planning and design activities for coordinated human service transportation models. –Establish an independent technical assistance team to oversee and provide direct support to the planning and design efforts.

13 CLARUS Goal: Establish a nationwide road weather observation network. Approach –Integrate existing road weather sensors into a national network. Combine with other weather data for improved roadway-based forecasts. Status –Established partnership with NOAA. –Fostered robust stakeholder input. –System design underway. –A proof-of-concept test of the system design will be executed in early 2006 using data from the Utah, Minnesota, and Alaska. Plans for 2006 –Complete the technical evaluation of the proof-of-concept test. –Compete and award a Clarus regional multi-state demonstration –Conduct research on the meteorological value of applying VII data.

14 Emergency Transportation Operations (ETO) Goal: Improve major emergency evacuation through use of ITS Approach –Being reevaluated. Initially focused broadly on ETO. Being rescoped to focus on evacuations. Status –Nine projects initiated in 2005 to address a range of emergency transportation operational issues. Five complete, including: Guidance for Transportation Operations in Biohazard Emergencies Travel Information for Disaster Situations Recommended Practices for Managing “No Notice” Evacuations –Nearing completion of gap analysis of state-of-the-practice for evacuations. Plans for 2006 –Utilize gap analysis to restructure initiative to focus on effective transportation management support for evacuations. –Identify ITS evacuation decision support tool(s) and resources to facilitate highway related evacuations and re-entry. –Complete standard work facilitating exchange of incident information between public safety and transportation communities.

15 Electronic Freight Management (EFM) Goal: Establish a common message portal that enables real-time access to shipment information by all supply chain partners. Approach –Establish open-system architecture and standards for exchange of shipment information. Demonstrate feasibility with a manufacturer and their partners in air freight supply chain. Status –Agreement with Limited and seven of their supply chain partners in place. –System design of a web based informational exchange initiated. –Engaged standards development and implementation organizations. –Engaged key Federal partners Plans for 2006 –System design will be completed. –Field operational test of web based service will be initiated. –Continued evolution of standards development. –Expand industry awareness.

16 Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Goal: Accelerate availability vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communications. Approach –Facilitate nationwide deployment of a communications infrastructure on the roadways and in all production vehicles through public-private partnerships. Status –Architecture developed –Initial applications identified and beginning development process –VII design contracts initiated for The Vehicle -- VII Consortium (auto companies) Network Infrastructure -- Booz Allen Hamilton –Privacy principles developed. Workshop for Privacy Advocates planned for January and February Plans for 2006 –Complete DSRC standards & prototype testing –Begin system integration testing. –Define operational test approach –Finalize privacy principles. –Develop initial benefits/cost estimate.

17 In Summary- The Year Ahead Implementation of SAFETEA-LU Programs with ITS implications. Many major initiatives in system design phase. Several major initiatives in proof-of-concept phase. Continued support for ITS deployment. Move of ITS-JPO to RITA. Beginning to look beyond existing major initiatives.